Joining while Overseas

Non-Resident Barbadians can also enjoy the benefits of membership.

Persons who wish to make an application while overseas must complete a Membership Application form and submit it along with the following documentation:

  • Two (2) forms of valid photo identification, e.g. your Passport or Driver’s License.
  • Proof of your current home address, e.g. a recent utility bill, bank statement.
  • A minimum opening deposit of Bds $125. This is made up of an application fee of $5 and your membership qualifying shares of $120.
  • A completed US Citizens W-9 form
  • A completed US Citizens W-8BEN form (Persons residing in the USA for 183 days / 3 months each year or students)
  • A completed the Specimen form

Operating Your Account While Overseas

Deposits & Withdrawals

Members can remit funds in one of several ways while overseas.

Click here for information on remittances.

Assign a Power of Attorney

Members can also assign Power of Attorney to an individual of their choice to

operate the account if they so desire. This service is provided by the Credit

Union’s Legal department.


The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) requires a participating foreign financial institution to report all United States account holders that are specified United States persons. As a result, some persons may be required to complete additional documentation which can be found here.

Important Note

All of your documentation must be authenticated by an official such as a Notary Public as long as you are overseas while conducting business.

Non-Resident Members

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Fax: (246) 437-8745


This is where you belong

© Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited
