Notes to the Non-consolidated Financial Statements
For the year ended March 31, 2014
(Expressed in Barbados dollars)
23. Financial Risk Management…(continued)
Credit risk…(continued)
Loans with renegotiated terms and the Credit Union’s forbearance policy…(continued)
The revised terms usually include extending maturity, changing timing of interest payments and
amendments to the terms of loan covenants. All loans are subject to the forbearance policy.
Once the loan is restructured it remains in this category independent of satisfactory performance after
restructuring. The Credit Union’s Credit Committee regularly reviews reports on forbearance activities.
Write-off policy
The Credit Union writes off a loan or an investment debt security balance, and any related allowances
for impairment losses, when it is determined that the loan or security is uncollectible. This
determination is made after considering information such as the occurrence of significant changes in
the borrower’s/issuer’s financial position such that the borrower/issuer can no longer pay the
obligation, or that proceeds from collateral will not be sufficient to pay back the entire exposure. For
smaller balance standardised loans, write-off decisions generally are based on a product-specific past
due status.
Commitments and guarantees
To meet the financial needs of customers, the Credit Union enters into various irrevocable
commitments and contingent liabilities. Even though these obligations may not be recognised on the
statement of financial position, they do contain credit risk and are therefore part of the overall risk of
the Credit Union.
Liquidity risk and funding management
Liquidity risk is defined as the risk that the Credit Union will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations
associated with financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or another financial asset.
Liquidity risk arises because of the possibility that the Credit Union might be unable to meet its
payment obligations when they fall due under both normal and stressed circumstances. To limit this
risk, management has arranged diversified funding sources in addition to its core deposit base, and
adopted a policy of managing assets with liquidity in mind and of monitoring future cash flows and
liquidity on a daily basis. The Credit Union has developed internal control processes and contingency
plans for managing liquidity risk. This incorporates an assessment of expected cash flows and the
availability of high grade collateral which could be used to secure additional funding if required.
The Credit Union maintains a portfolio of highly marketable and diverse assets that are assumed to be
easily liquidated in the event of an unforeseen interruption of cash flow. The Credit Union also has
committed lines of credit that it can access to meet liquidity needs.
Analysis of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities
The table on the following page summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows of the
Credit Union’s financial liabilities as of March 31, 2014 and March 31, 2013 on the basis of their
earliest possible contractual maturity.