Consolidated Annual Report 2021

BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2021 112 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2021 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 88 25. Financial Risk Management, continued 25.4 Market risk, continued Interest rate risk A summary of the Group’s interest rate gap position is as follows: 2021 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Assets Cash resources $ 360,682,039 9,627,748 4,180,117 - 7,354,787 Financial investments 440,084 482,949 14,531,007 12,359,699 4,138,502 Loans and advances 40,157,602 68,425,478 236,749,360 951,966,141 33,105,881 1 Other assets - - - - 14,600,484 Total assets 401,279,725 78,536,175 255,460,484 964,325,840 59,199,654 1 Liabilities Deposits 774,974,849 234,255,741 569,626,321 37,253,104 21,681,675 1 Loans payable - - - 1,317,476 - Reimbursable shares - - - - 14,702,164 Other liabilities 329,503 469,774 1,383,083 73,862 18,870,642 Total liabilities 775,304,352 234,725,515 571,009,404 38,644,442 55,254,481 1 Interest rate gap $ (374,024,627) (156,189,340) (315,548,920) 925,681,398 3,945,173 ADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED the Consolidated Financial Statements ear ended March 31, 2021 ed in Barbados dollars) 88 nancial Risk Management, continued rket risk, continued erest rate risk summary of the Group’s interest rate gap position is as follows: 2021 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Total sets sh resources $ 360,682,039 9,627,748 4,180,117 - 7,354,787 381,844,691 ancial investments 440,084 482,949 14,531,007 12,359,699 4,138,502 31,952,241 ans and advances 40,157,602 68,425 478 236,749 360 951,966,141 33 105 881 1,330 404 462 her assets - - - - 14 600 484 14 6 0 4 4 tal assets 401,279,725 78,536,175 255,460,484 964,325,840 59,199,654 1,758,801,878 abilities posits 774,974,849 234,255,741 569,626,321 37,253,104 21,681,675 1,637,791,690 ans payable - - - 1 317 476 - 317 4 6 imbursable shares - 14 702 164 14,702,164 her liabilities 329,503 469,774 1,383,083 73,862 18,870,642 21 126 864 tal liabilities 775,304,352 234,725,515 571,009,404 38,644,442 55,254,481 1,674,938,194 erest rate gap $ (374,024,627) (156,189,340) (315,548,920) 925,681,398 3,945,173 83,863,684 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2021 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 88 25. Financial Risk Management, continued 25.4 Market risk, continued Interest rate risk A summary of the Group’s interest rate gap position is as follows: 2021 Up to i Within Over Non-interest 3 m hs 3-12 months 1- yea s 5 years bea ing Assets Ca h resources $ 360 682 039 9 627 748 4,180,117 - 7 35 787 Financial investments 440 084 482 949 4 531 007 12 359 699 4 138 502 Loans and advances 40,157 602 68 25 478 236,749 360 951 966 14 33 05 881 1 Other assets - 6 4 Total assets 401 279 72 78 536 175 255 460 484 964 325 840 9 199 654 1 Liabilities Deposits 77 974 8 9 234 255 74 569 626 321 37 253 104 21 68 75 1 Loans payable - 1 317 476 - Reimbursable shares - 7 1 Other liabilities 32 503 469 774 1,38 083 3 86 8 870 642 Total liabilities 775 304 352 234 725 515 571 009 04 38 64 442 55 254 481 1 Interest rate gap $ (374 024 627 (156 189 34 (315 548 920) 925 681 398 945 173 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated F n ncial St temen s For the year ended March 31, 2021 (Expresse in Barbados dollars) 88 25. Financial Risk Management, conti ued 25.4 Market risk, continued Interest rate risk A summary of the Group’s interest rat gap position is as follows: 2021 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing T Assets Cash resource $ 60,682,039 9,627,748 4,180,117 - 7,354,787 381,844 Financial nvestments 440,084 482,949 14,531,007 12,359,699 4,138,502 31,952 Loans and advances 40,157,602 68,425,478 236,749,360 951,966,141 33,105,881 1,330,404 Other assets - - - - 4,600,484 4,600 Total asse s 401,279,725 78,536,175 2 5,460,484 964,325,840 59,199,654 1, 58,801 Liabilities Deposits 774,974,849 234,255,741 569,626,321 37,253,104 21,681,675 1,637,791 Loans payable - - - 1,317,476 - 1,317 Reimbursable shares - - - - 14,702,164 14,702 Other liabilities 329,503 469,774 1,383,083 73,862 18,870,642 21,126 Total liabilities 775,304,352 234,725,515 571,009,404 38,644,442 55,254,481 1,674,938 Interest ra gap $ (3 4,024,627) (156,189,340) (315,548,920) 25,681,398 3,945,173 83,863 RBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED es to the Consolidated F nancial St tements the year ended March 31, 2021 pressed in Barbados dollars) 88 Financial R sk Management, continu d 4 Market isk, continued In erest ate isk A summary of the Group’s interes rate g p position s as f llows: 2021 Up to Within Within Over Non-interes 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Total Assets Cash re ources $ 360,682,039 9,627,748 4,180,117 - 7,354,787 381,844,691 F nancial investments 440,084 482,949 14,531,007 12,359,69 4,138,502 31,952,241 Loans and advances 40,157,602 68,425,478 236,749,360 951,966,141 33,105,881 1,330,404,462 Other assets - - - - 14,600,484 14,600,484 Total assets 401,279,725 78,536,175 255,460,484 964,325,840 59,199,654 1,758,801,878 Liabilities Deposits 774,974,849 234,255,741 569,626,321 37,253,104 21,681,675 1,637,791,690 Lo ns payable - - - 1,317,476 - 1,317,476 Reimbursable shares - - - - 14,702,164 14,702,164 Other liabilities 329,503 469,774 1,383,08 73,862 18,870,642 21,126,864 Total liabilities 775,304,352 234,725,51 571,009,404 38,644,442 55,254,48 1,674,938,194 Interest rate gap $ (374,024,627) (156,189,340) (315,548,920) 925,681,398 3,945,173 83,863,684 RBADOS PU LIC WORKERS’ C -OPERATIVE CR DIT UNION LIMITED to the Consolidated Fina cial Stat ments e year nded March 31, 20 1 essed in Barbados dollars) 88 Financial Risk Manag ment, continued Market risk, conti u d Interest rate risk A summary of the Group’s interes rate gap position i as foll ws: 20 1 Up to With n With n Over Non-int rest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bea ing Total As ets Cash resourc $ 3 0,682,039 9,627, 48 4,180,117 - 7,354,787 3 1,844,691 Financial investment 440, 8 482,949 14,531,007 12,35 ,699 4,138,502 31,9 2, 41 Loans an advances 40,157,602 68,425,478 236,749,360 951,966,141 33,105,88 1,33 ,404, 62 Other assets - - - - 14,600,484 14,600,484 Total assets 401,2 9,725 78,536,17 255,460,48 964,325,840 5 ,199,654 1,758, 01,87 Liabilities Deposit 774,97 ,84 234,255,741 5 9,626,321 37,253,104 21,681,675 1,637,791,690 Loans payable - - - ,31 ,476 - ,31 ,476 Reimbursable share - - - - 14,702,164 14,702,164 Other liabilit es 329,503 469,77 1,383,08 73,862 18,870,642 21,12 ,864 Total liabilities 775,304,352 34,725, 1 71,009,404 38,6 , 42 5 ,254, 81 1,674,938,194 Interest rate gap $ (374,024,627) (156,189,340) (315,548,920) 925,681,398 3,945,173 3,8 3,684 BADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED o the Consolidate Financi l Statements year ended March 31, 2021 sed in Barbados ll rs) 8 nancial Risk Management, conti ued arket risk, continued ter st ra e risk summary of the Group’s interest ate gap position is as follows: 20 1 Up to Within ithin Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Total set ash resources $ 360,682 039 9,627 748 4,180 17 - 7,354 78 3 1,844 691 nanci l investments 440, 84 482,949 14,531 007 12,359 69 4,138 502 31,952 241 oans a d advances 40,157 602 68,425,478 236,749,360 951, 66 141 33,105 881 1,330 404 62 ther assets - - - - 14,600 484 14,600 484 otal assets 401,279 725 78,536 175 255,460 84 964,325 840 59,19 654 1,7 8 801 78 abilities eposit 774,9 849 234, 55 741 569,626 3 1 37,253 104 21,68 75 1, 37 791 6 0 oans payable - - - 1,317 476 - 1,317 476 eimbursable shar s - - - - 14,702 164 14,702 16 ther liab l ties 329,503 469,774 1,383 0 73,862 18,870 642 21,1 6 864 otal liabilities 775,304 52 234,725 51 71,009 4 4 38,644 4 2 5,2 4 481 1,674 938 194 terest ate gap $ (374,02 6 7) (156, 89 340) ( 15,548 920) 5,681 398 3,945 173 83,86 684 ADOS PUBLIC W RKERS’ CO- PERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIM TED he Consolidated Financi l Statem n s ar ended M ch 31, 202 d in Barbados llars) 8 ancial Risk Management, continued ket risk, continued r st rate risk ummary of the Group’s interest rat gap posit on i as foll ws: 2021 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months -5 years 5 years bearing Total et h resources $ 360,682, 39 9,627,748 4,180, 17 - 7,354, 87 381,844,691 anci l investments 4 0, 84 82,949 14,531,007 12,3 9,699 4,1 8,502 31,952,241 ns a d advances 40,157,602 68,425,478 23 ,749,360 5 ,966,141 33, 0 ,881 1,330,404, 62 er as et - - - - 14,600, 8 14,60 , 4 al assets 401,279,725 78, 36,1 5 255,460, 84 964,325,8 0 59,199,65 1,758,801, 78 bil ties osits 774,974,849 234,255,741 69,6 6,321 37,253,104 21,681, 75 1,637,791,690 ns payable - - - 1,317,476 - 1,317,476 mbursable shares - - - - 14,702,164 14,702,164 er liabi ties 329,503 469,774 1,383,083 73,862 18, 70,642 2 , 26,864 al liabilities 7 5,304, 52 234,725,515 71,009,404 38,644,4 2 55, 5 ,481 1,674,938,194 rest rate gap $ (374,024,627) (156,189,340) (3 5, 4 ,920) 925,681,3 8 3,945,173 83,863,684 DOS PU LIC WORKERS’ CO- PERATIVE C EDIT UNION LIM TED Consolidate Financi l St tem n s nded March 31, 20 n Barb dos ollars) 88 cial Risk Managem t, conti ued et risk, cont ued st rat risk mary of the Group’s interest rate gap position i as foll ws: 20 1 Up to With n With n Over Non-i terest 3 months 3-12 months 1 5 years 5 years bearing To al resources $ 360, 82 39 9, 27 748 4,180 17 - 7,354 787 81, 44 691 ci l i vestme ts 440,084 4 2,949 14,531 007 12,359 69 4, 38 502 31,952 241 a d dvances 40,157 602 68,425 78 236,749 360 951,966,141 33, 05 881 1,330,404 62 assets - - - - 14,600 84 14,600 84 sset 401,279 725 8,536 175 2 5,460 84 964,325 840 59,1 654 1,758,801 78 ities sit 774,9 849 234, 55 741 569, 26 3 1 37,253 104 21,68 75 1, 37,791 6 0 pay ble - - - 1,3 7 476 - 1,3 7 476 bursable shar s - - - - 14,702 164 14,702 164 liabilit s 329,503 469,774 1,383 0 7 ,862 18, 70 642 1,1 6 864 liab ities 775,304 52 234,725 51 571,009 4 4 38,644 4 2 55,2 4 481 1,674,938 194 st ate gap $ (374,02 627) (156, 89 340) (315,548 920) 925,681 398 3,945 173 83, 6 684 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OP RATIV CREDIT UNION LIM TED ot s t the Cons li ated Fin ncial Sta ements or the year ende March 3 , 20 1 Expressed in Barba s dollars) 88 5. F na cial Risk Ma agement, conti ued 5.4 Market risk, co tinued Int rest rate risk A summa y of the Group’ inte est rate gap po ition is a f llow : 0 1 Up to Within Within Over Non-i t rest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Tot A set Cash resources $ 36 682,039 9 62 ,7 8 4 80,117 - 354,787 381 844,69 Fina cial ve tm nts 44 ,084 482,9 9 14 531,007 12 35 ,699 4 138,502 31 95 ,24 Lo ns nd advances 40 157, 02 68 25,478 236 749,360 95 966,141 33 105,881 1 330 0 ,46 Other a sets - - - - 1 600,484 1 600,48 Total assets 401 279, 25 78 536,17 255 60,484 964 325,840 5 199,654 1 758 01,87 Liabilities Depo it 7 974,8 9 34 255,741 569 6 6, 21 37 253,104 2 81,6 5 1 637 7 1,69 Loans pay ble - - - 1 317,4 6 - 1 317,4 R imbursable shares - - - - 4 702, 64 4 702,16 Other liabilities 329,503 469,774 1 3 ,083 73,862 18 870,64 21 126,8 Total liabilities 775 04, 52 234 72 ,5 5 571 0 9,404 38 6 , 2 55 25 ,481 1 674 938, 9 Inte est rate gap $ (37 0 4,627) ( 56 189,340) (315 548,920) 925 681,398 3 945,173 8 863, 8 ADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED the Consolidated Financial Statements year ended March 31, 2021 sed in Barbados dollars) nancial Risk Management, continued arket risk, continued tere t ate risk, continued summary of the Group’s interest rate gap position is as follows: 2020 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Total ssets ash resources $ 281,640,133 9,360,733 9,806,332 - 7,353,716 308,160,914 nancial investments 482,948 - 8,698,388 12,843,187 3,371,656 25,396,179 ans and advances 39,323,203 55,020,203 283,925,679 933,581,779 - 1,311,850,864 her assets - - - - 13,182,812 13,182,812 otal assets 321,446,284 64,380,936 302,430,399 946,424,966 23,908,184 1,658,590,769 abilities eposits 717,001,090 215,833,108 558,002,815 36,881,492 158,451 1,527,876,956 ans payable - - - 1,341,586 - 1,341,586 eimbursable shares - - - - 13,229,324 13,229,324 her liabilities 136,589 459,018 1,979,290 195,284 14,094,685 16,864,866 otal liabilities 717,137,679 216,292,126 559,982,105 38,418,362 27,482,460 1,559,312,732 erest rate gap $ (395,691,395) (151,911,190) (257,551,706) 908,006,604 (3,574,276) 99,278,037 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2021 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 25. Financial Risk Management, continued 25.4 Market risk, continued Interest rate risk, continued A summary of the Group’s interest rate gap position is as follows: 2020 Up to h n Within Over Non-interest 3 mon hs 3-12 month 1-5 ea 5 years bearing Assets Cash resources $ 281 640 133 9 360 733 9,806,332 - 7 353 716 Financial investments 482,948 - 8,698 388 12 843 187 3 371 656 Loans and advances 39 323 203 55 020 203 283 925 679 933,581,779 - 1 Other assets - 13 182,812 Total assets 321 446,284 64 380,936 302 430,399 946 424,966 23,908,184 1 Liabilities Deposits 7 7 001 090 215 833 108 558,002 815 36,881 492 158 451 1 Loans payable - 1,341,586 - Reimbursable shares - 13 229,324 Other liabilities 136,589 459,018 1,979,290 195,284 14 094,685 Total liabilities 717 137,679 216 292,126 559 982,105 38 418,362 27,482,460 1 Interest rate gap $ (395 691,395 (151 911,190 (257 551,706) 908 006,604 (3 574,276) BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated F nancial St temen s For the year ended March 31, 2021 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 25. Financi l Risk Management, continued 25.4 Market risk, continued In eres rate risk, continued A summary of the Group’s interest ra gap position is as follows: 2020 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Assets Cash resources $ 281,640,133 9,360,733 9,806,332 - 7,353,716 308,160 Financial vestme ts 482,948 - 8,698,388 12,843,187 3,371,656 25,396 Loans and advances 39,323,203 55,020,20 283,925,679 933,581,779 - 1,311,850 Other assets - - - - 13,182,812 13,182 Total asse s 321,446,28 64,380,936 02,430,399 46,424,966 23,908 184 1,658,590 Liabilities Deposits 717,001,090 215,833,10 558,002,815 36,881,492 158,451 1, 27,876 Loans payable - - - 1,341,586 - 1,341 Reimbursable shares - - - - 13,229,324 13,229 Other liabilities 136,589 459,018 1,979,290 195,28 14,094,685 16,864 Total liabilities 717,137,679 216,292,126 559,982,105 38,418,362 7,482 460 1,559,312 Interest ra gap $ (395,691,395) (1 1,911,190) (257,551,706) 908,006,604 (3,574,276) 99,278 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIM TED otes to the Consolidated Financial Statements or the year ended March 31, 20 1 Expressed in Barbados dollars) 5. Financial Risk Management, conti ued 5.4 Market risk, continued terest r te risk, continued A summary of the Group’s interest rate gap posi ion is as follows: 20 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Tot Asset Cash r ources $ 281,640,133 9, 60,733 9,806,332 - 7,35 ,716 308,160,91 Financial nvestments 482,948 - 8,698,388 12,843,187 3,371,656 25,396,17 Loans and advances 39, 2 ,203 55,02 ,203 283, 25,67 933,581,77 - 1,311,850,86 Other asset - - - - 13,182,812 13,182,81 Total asset 321, 46,284 64,380,936 302,430,39 946,42 ,966 23,908,184 1,658,590,76 Liabilit es Deposit 717, 01,090 215, 33,108 558,002,815 36,881,492 58,451 1,527,876,95 Loans payable - - - 1,341,586 - 1,341,58 Reimbursabl shares - - - - 13,229,324 13,229,32 Other liabilities 136,589 459,018 1,97 ,2 0 195,284 14,094,685 16,864,86 Total liabilit es 17,137,679 16,29 ,126 559,982,105 38,418,362 27,482,460 1,559,312,73 Interest rate gap $ (395,691,395) ( 51,911,190) (257,551,706) 908,006,604 (3,574,276) 99,278,03 ARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED es to the Consolidated Financial St ements the year ended March 31, 2021 pressed in Barbados dollars) Financial R sk Management, continu d 4 Market risk, continued Interest rate risk, continued A sum ary of the Group’s in er st rate gap osition s as f llows: 20 Up to Within Within Over Non-in er st 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Total Asset Ca h resources $ 281,640,133 9,360,733 9,806,332 - 7,353,716 308,160,914 Financial inv stments 482,948 - 8,69 ,38 12,843,187 3, 71,656 25,396,179 Loans and advances 39,323,20 55,020,203 283,925,679 933,581,779 - 1,311,850,864 Other assets - - - - 13,182,812 13,182,812 Total asset 321,446,284 64,380,936 302,430,399 946,424,966 23,908,184 1,658,590,769 Liabil ties Deposits 717,001,090 215,833,108 558,002,815 36,881,492 158,45 1,527,876,95 Loans payable - - - 1,341,586 - 1,341,586 Reimbursable shares - - - - 13,229,324 13,229,324 Other liabilit es 136,589 459,018 1,979,290 195,284 14,094,685 16,864,866 Total liabil ties 717,137,679 216,292,126 559, 82,105 38,418,362 27,482,460 1,559,312,73 In er st r te gap $ (395,691,395) (151,911, 90) (257,551,706) 908,006, 04 (3,574,276) 99,278,037 RBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION L MITED s to the Consolidated Financial S at ments h year ended March 31, 2021 essed in Barbados dollars) Financial Risk Management, continued Market risk, continued Inter st rat risk, con i ued A summary of the Group’s inter s rate gap ositi n i as follows: Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months -12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Total Asset Cash resourc $ 281,640,133 9,360,73 9,806,332 - 7,353,716 308,160,914 Financial investment 482,948 - 8,69 ,388 12,843,187 3, 71,656 25,396,179 Loans an dvance 9,3 3,20 55,0 ,203 283,925,67 933,581,779 - ,311,850,864 Other as ets - - - - 3,1 2,812 3,1 2,812 Total ssets 321,446,28 64,380,936 302,4 0,399 9 6,424,966 23,90 ,184 1,6 8,590,769 L abilities Deposit 717,0 1, 9 215,833,10 558,002,815 36,881,492 158,45 1,52 ,876,956 Loans payable - - - 1,341,586 - 1,341,586 Reimbursable shares - - - - 13,229,3 4 13,229,3 4 Other liabi t es 136,589 459,018 1,97 ,290 195,284 14,094,685 1 ,8 4, 6 Total liabilities 7 7,13 ,679 216,29 ,126 559, 82,105 3 ,418,362 27,482, 60 1,559,312,732 Inter s rate gap $ (395,6 1,3 5) (15 ,9 1,190) (257,551,706) 9 8,006, 4 (3,574,2 6) 99,278,037 BADOS PUBLIC WORKE S’ CO-OP ATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED o the Consolidated Financial St temen s year ended March 31, 202 sed in Barbados ollars) inancial Risk Management, co ti ued arket risk, conti ued nterest ra e risk, conti ued summary of the Gr up’s interest rat gap position is as f ll ws: 2020 Up to With n With n Over Non-i ter st 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Total sset ash resources $ 281,640 33 9,360 7 3 9,806 2 - 7,353 16 308,160 914 nancial investments 482,948 - 8,69 ,38 12,843 187 3,371 656 25,396 179 oans d dvances 39,323 20 55,020 203 83,925 679 933,581 779 - 1,31 850 864 ther ass t - - - - 13,182 8 3,182 8 otal ssets 321,446 284 64,380 936 302,430 99 946,424 6 23,908 184 1,658 590 769 iabilities eposit 71 ,001 090 215,833 108 558,002 15 36,881 492 158,451 1,527 876 95 oans payable - - - 1,34 586 - 1,34 586 eimbursable shar s - - - - 13,229 24 13,229 24 ther liabilit es 136,589 459,018 1,979 290 195,284 14,09 685 16,864 6 otal liabili ies 71 ,13 679 216, 92 12 559,982 105 38,41 362 27,482 460 1,559 312 73 terest rat gap $ (395,6 1 3 ) (15 ,91 90) (257,5 1 06) 9 8,0 6 6 4 (3,574 276) 99,278 037 ADOS PUBLIC W RKERS’ CO- PERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIM TED he Consolidated Fina cial St tem nts ar ended March 31, 2021 d in Barbados dollars) anci l Risk Management, continued ket ris , conti ued r st rat risk, continued ummary of the Group’s interest at gap posi ion i as foll ws: 20 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months -5 years 5 years bearing Total et h resourc s $ 281,640 133 9, 0 73 9,80 332 - 7,353 716 08,160 914 a cial i vestme t 482,948 - 8,69 38 12, 43 187 3, 71 656 25,396 179 ns d dvances 39,323 20 5 ,020 203 283,925 679 93 ,581 779 - 1,31 850 64 er asset - - - - 13,182 8 13,182 81 al as et 321,446 284 64,380 936 02,4 0 9 46,424 66 23,908 184 1,658 5 0 769 bil t es osit 717,001 90 215,833 1 8 5 8,002 8 5 36,881 492 15 ,4 1 1, 27 876 95 ns payable - - - 1,34 586 - 1,34 586 mbursabl shares - - - - 13,229 3 4 13,2 9 3 4 er liabilit es 136,589 459,01 1,979 290 1 5,284 14,09 685 16,864 6 al iabi ties 717,13 679 216, 92 126 5 9,982 105 38,41 362 7,482 60 1,559 312 73 r st at gap $ (395,6 1 5) ( 51,91 90) (257,5 706) 908,0 6,6 4 (3,574 2 6) 9 ,278 03 DOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UN ON LIMITED Cons lidate Financial St tements ended March 31, 2021 in Barbados d llars) cial Risk Manageme t, continued et ris , cont nued st ra e risk, cont nu d mmary of the G oup’s inter st rate gap po ition is as follow : 20 0 Up to Within Within Over Non-inter st 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Tot l resources $ 281,640 133 9,360 733 9,806 332 - 7,353 716 308,160 914 ci l investme t 482,948 - 8,698 38 12,843 1 7 3,371 656 2 ,396 179 d dva ces 39,323 20 55,020 03 283,925 679 33,581 779 - 1,31 850 64 asset - - - - 13,182 81 13, 82 81 asset 321,446 284 64,380 936 02,430 399 46,4 4 966 23, 08 184 1,658 590 769 ties sit 71 ,001 90 215,833 108 558,002 815 36,8 1 492 158,4 1 1,527 876 95 payable - - - 1,341 586 - 1,341 586 bursabl shares - - - - 13,229 3 4 13,229 3 4 liabilit es 136,589 459,018 ,979 2 0 1 5,284 14,09 685 16,864 6 liabi ties 71 ,13 679 216, 92 126 559,982 105 38,41 362 7,4 2 60 1,559 312 732 st ate gap $ (395,6 1 3 5) (151, 1 190) (257, 51 706) 908,006 6 4 (3,574 2 6) 99, 78 037