Consolidated Annual Report 2021

111 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2021 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2021 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 87 25.3 Liquidity risk and funding management, continued Liquidity Risk – Financial Liabilities Analysis of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities The table below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows of the Group’s financial liabilities as of March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020 on the basis of their earliest possible contractual maturity. 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Deposits $ 774,680,735 244,309,477 607,736,796 67,947,689 1, Loans payable - - - 1,317,476 Reimbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - Other liabilities 6,499,249 11,122,137 1,495,859 2,213,443 $ 781,179,984 255,431,614 623,934,819 71,478,608 1, 2020 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Deposits $ 723,597,047 234,583,154 604,110,631 68,490,560 1, Loans payable - 1,341,586 - - Reimbursable shares - - 13,229,324 - Other liabilities 1,813,820 8,711,634 4,486,619 1,852,793 $ 725,410,867 244,636,374 621,826,574 70,343,353 1, BADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDI UNION LIMITED o the Consolida ed Financial Sta me ts year ended March 31, 2021 ssed in Barbados dollars) 87 Liquidity risk and f n ing management, continued Liquidity Risk – Financial Liabilities Analysis of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities The table below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows of the Group’s financial liabilities as of March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020 on the basis of their earlie t p ssible contractual maturity. 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total Deposits $ 774,680,735 244, 09,477 607, 36,796 67,947,689 1,694, 74,697 oans payable - - - 1,317,476 1,317,476 Reimbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 Other liabilities 6,499,249 11,122,137 1,495,859 2,213,443 21,330,688 $ 781,179,984 255,431,614 623,934,819 71,478,608 1,732,025,025 2020 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total Deposits $ 723,597,047 234,583,154 604,110,631 68,490,560 1,630,781,392 oans payable - 1,341,586 - - 1,341,586 Reimbursable shares - - 13,229,324 - 13,229,324 Other liabilities 1,813,820 8,711,634 4,486,619 1,852,793 16,864,866 $ 725,410,867 244, 36,374 621,826,574 70,343,353 1,662,217,168 W W ARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ C -OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED tes to the Consoli ated Fin nci l Statements r the year ended March 31, 2021 xpressed in Barbad s doll s) 87 3 Liquid ty risk and funding management, continu d Liquidity Risk – Financial Liabilities Analysis of fin ncial liabilities by remaining con r ctual maturities The table below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash fl ws of the Group’s fin ncial liabilities as of March 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020 on the basis of their arliest possible contr ctu l matu ity. 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Tota Deposits $ 774 680,735 244 309,477 607 3 ,796 6 947,689 1 69 74,697 Loans payable - - - 1,317,476 1 317,476 Reimbursable shares - - 14 702,164 - 14,702,164 Other liabilities 6 49 ,249 11 22,137 1 495,859 2 21 ,443 21 330,688 $ 781 179,984 255 431,614 623 934,819 1 478,608 1 732 ,025 2020 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Tota Deposits $ 723 59 ,047 234 583,154 604 110,631 68 490,560 1 630 781,392 Loans payable - 341,586 - - ,341,586 Reimbursable shares - - 13 2 9,324 - 13,2 9,324 Other liabilities 1 13,820 8 711,634 4 486,619 1 852,793 16 4,866 $ 725 410,867 244 636,374 621 826,574 70 43,353 1 662 217,168 A B O R T E EDI UN T he s li e i l S c 31 se B b do a ) qu d t s undi n ge nt c nu qu ty sk F nan l fina c l l a ili s y em ining c u i i s he tab e s mma es t m turi pr le of h i coun as f ow f t e f n nc l li il ie as f ar 1 2 M 1 t s f h i ea e t p s l c tr c al tu r m 5 T epo t 6 6 Lo s p e 4 4 ei bu sable the l i 4 6 6 0 r m 5 T epo t 5 3 Lo s p e 5 ei bu sable Othe l i 7 8 3 1 l BADOS BL W RKER ’ -OPE ATIV CRED T NION MI o the Cons l date Fin nci l St t ments year ded Ma ch 1, 2 1 sed in Bar dos l ars i uidity risk and fun ing m nagement, con i i uidi y Risk Financi l L bil ti s nalysis of inanci l abi ties by re i ng co tractu l m tu i ies he ta le e ow summ rises the m turity p o il f t e undisc unted cas flows f the Group’s financial liabilities as f , 20 1 and Marc 31, 2020 on the basis f their earliest po sible contr ctual m turit . Wit i Wit i Wit i O 3 t s 3 -12 mo t s 1- y ars y ars Tot l e o it $ 7 ,680,735 244,309,477 607,736, 9 ,94 ,689 ,6 67 , 97 paya l ,317,476 ,317,476 i rsabl shares ,702,164 , 02 164 ther lia iliti ,499,24 11,122, 37 1,495,859 ,213,44 ,330,688 $ 7 ,179,984 255,431,614 623,934,819 ,4 8,60 ,7 2 025, Wit i Wit i Wit i O 3 t s 3 -12 mo t s 1- y ars y ars Tot l e o it $ 7 ,597,04 234,583,154 604,110,631 ,490,56 ,6 0 781,392 paya l , 586 ,34 ,586 i rsabl shares ,229,3 4 , 29 3 4 ther lia iliti ,813, 20 8,711,634 4,486,619 ,852,793 ,864, 6 $ 7 ,410,867 244,636,374 621,8 6,574 ,343, 5 ,6 2 217,168 b i i DOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNIO LIMITED Consolidate Financial St tements ended March 31, 2021 in Barbados ll rs) 87 dity risk and fundi g manage ent, co tinued dity R sk – Financi l L bil ties ysis of financi l liabi ties by remaining contractu l m turities abl be ow summarises th maturity p ofile o the undiscounted cash flows f the Group’ financial liabilities as of h 31, 2021 and March 31, 2020 on the basis of their earliest po sible contractu l m tur ty. 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Tot l sits $ 774,680 735 2 4,309 477 607,736 9 67,94 68 1,694 7 7 s payable - - - 1,317 476 1,317 476 bursable shares - - 14,702 164 - 14,702 164 liabiliti s 6,499 24 11,122 37 1,495 859 2,213 44 21,330 688 $ 781,179 984 255,431 614 623,934 819 71,4 8 60 1,732 025 2 2020 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Tot l sits $ 723,597 04 2 4,583 154 604,110 631 68,490 56 1,630 781 392 payable - 1,34 586 - - 1,34 586 bursable shares - - 13,229 3 4 - 13,229 3 4 liabiliti s 1,813 20 8,711 634 4,486 619 1,852 793 16,864 6 $ 725,410 867 244,636 374 621,8 6 574 70,343 5 1,662 217 1 8 i 3 7 9 8 9 b ur s ab 8 8 1 1 0 2 2 OS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CR DIT UNION LIMITED nsolidated Fina cial Statements nd Ma ch 31, 20 1 Barbados dollar ) 87 y risk and funding man gement, cont nued y R sk – F na cial Liabilit es s of financial liab lit es by r maining contra tual maturi ies e below summarise the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flow o the Group’s fina cial li bil ties as of 1, 20 1 and March 31, 20 on the basis of their earli s possible contractua ma rity. 20 1 With n With n With n Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total $ 774,680, 35 244,309, 7 607,736,796 67,947, 89 1 94,674,697 ay ble - - - 1,3 7,476 1,3 7,476 sable sh res - - 14,702, 64 - 14,702, 64 bilities 6,499,249 11,122, 37 1,495,859 2,213,443 21,330,688 $ 781,179,984 255,431,614 623,934,819 71,478,608 1 732,025,0 5 20 With n With n With n Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total $ 723,597,047 234,583,154 604,110,631 68,490,560 1 63 ,781, 92 ay ble - 1,341,586 - - 1,341,586 sable sh res - - 13,229,324 - 13,229,324 bilities 1,8 3,820 8,711,634 4,486,619 1,852,793 16,8 4,8 6 $ 725,410,867 244,63 ,374 621,826,574 0,34 ,35 1 662,2 7,168 e r S PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UN ON L MITED nsolidat d F n ncial St temen s d d March 31, 2021 Ba bados dolla s) 87 risk and fundi g mana e e t, co ti ued Risk – Financial Liabil ties of financial li bil t es by rema ning co tr ctual ma r ies b low summari es the maturity profile of the und scount d ash flows of the Gr up’s financial liabil t s as of , 2021 and March 31, 2020 on the basis of the r earliest pos ible contrac u l m tu ity. 2021 Within With n With n Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total $ 7 4,680, 35 24 ,309,47 607,736,796 67,94 689 1,694,674 9 yable - - - 1,3 7,4 6 1,3 7 476 able shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 ilit es 6,49 ,249 1 ,12 ,137 1,495,8 9 2,213 3 21,3 0 68 $ 781,179,984 25 ,43 ,6 4 623,9 ,819 71,478 608 1,732,025 025 2020 Within With n With n Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total $ 723,597,047 234,583,154 604,1 0, 3 8,490 56 1,630,781 3 2 yable - 1,341,586 - - 1,341,586 able shares - - 13,2 9,324 - 13,2 9,324 bilit es 1,8 3,820 8,71 ,634 4,486,619 ,852 793 16,8 4 6 $ 725,410,867 24 ,636,374 621,82 ,574 70,343 353 1,6 2,217 168 t t e