Consolidated Annual Report 2024

85 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2024 Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2024 (expressed in Barbados dollars) 14 Property and Equipment …continued 2023 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leasehold improvements $ Assets bei acquir Cost Balance, beginning of year 52,111,682 11,210,456 37,405,388 6,292,438 16,198,3 Additions/(transfers) 908,738 1,122,966 3,184,297 – (2,424,4 Disposal (1,154,828) (502,253) (130,426) – Balance, end of year 51,865,592 11,831,169 40,459,259 6,292,438 13,773,8 Accumulated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 16,878,123 5,338,541 33,128,479 5,696,719 Depreciation 2,622,757 1,635,815 2,153,373 202,194 Disposal (1,154,828) (219,274) (112,676) – Balance, end of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5,898,913 Net book value, end of year 33,519,540 5,076,087 5,290,082 393,525 13,773,8 arbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited tes to the Consolidated Financial Statements arch 31, 2024 pressed in Barbados doll s) Property and Equipment …continued 2023 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leasehold improvements $ Assets being acquired $ Cost Balance, beginni g of year 52,111,682 11, 10,456 37,405,388 6,292,438 16,198,332 12 Additions/(transfers) 908,738 1,122,966 3,184,297 – (2,424,446) 2 Disposal (1,154,828) (502,253) (130,426) – – (1 Balance, end of year 51,865,592 11,831,169 40,459,259 6,292,438 13,773,886 124 Accumulated depreciation Balance, beginni g of year 16,878,123 5, 38,541 33, 28,479 5,696,719 – 61 Depreciation 2,622,757 1,635,815 2,153,373 202,194 – 6 Disposal (1,154,828) (219,274) (112,676) – – (1 Balance, end of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5,898,913 – 66 Net book value, end of year 33,519,540 5, 76,087 5,290,082 393,525 13,773,886 5 dos Public Worke s’ Co-ope ative Credit Union Limited o the Consolidated Financial Statements 31, 2024 ed in Barbados dollars) perty and Equipment …continued 2023 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furnit e and equipment $ Leasehold improvements $ Asset being acquired $ To t ance, beginning of year 52,111,682 11,2 0,456 37,4 5,388 6,292,438 16,198,332 123,2 , itions/(transfers) 908,738 1,122,966 3,184,297 – (2,424,4 6) 2,791, posal (1,154,828) (502, 3) (130,426) – – (1,787, ance, e d of year 51,86 ,592 1,83 ,169 40,459,259 6,292,438 13,773,886 124,22 , umulated depre iation ance, beginning of year 16,878,123 5,338,541 33,128, 79 5,696,71 – 61,041, reciation 2,622,757 1,635,815 2,1 3,373 202,194 – 6,614, posal (1,154,828) (219, 74) (112,676) – – (1,486, ance, e d of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,17 5,898,913 – 66,169, book value, end of year 33,519,540 5,076,08 5,290,082 393,525 13,773,886 58,05 , os Public Workers’ Co- perativ Credit Union Limited e Consolidated Fin ncial Statemen s 2024 n Barbados dollars) 4 ty and Equipment …continued 2023 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and quipment $ Leasehold improvements $ Asset being acquired $ Total $ , b ginning of year 52,111,682 11,210,456 37,405,388 6,292,4 16,198,332 123,218,296 ns/(transfer ) 908,738 1,122,966 3,184,297 – (2,424,446) 2,791,555 l (1,154,828) (502,253) (130,426) – – (1,787,507 , end of year 51,865,592 11,831,169 40,459,259 6,292,438 13,773,886 124,222,344 lated depreciation , b ginning of year 16,878,123 5,33 ,541 33,128,479 5,696,719 – 61,041,862 ation 2,622,757 1,635,815 2,153, 73 202,194 – 6,614,139 l (1,154,828) (219,274) (11 ,676) – – (1,486,778 , end of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5,898,9 3 – 66,169,223 ok value, end of year 33,519,540 5,076,087 5,29 ,082 393,525 13,77 ,886 58,053,120 s Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited Consolidated Fina c al Statements 4 a bados doll s) 45 and Equipment …conti ued 20 3 Land and build ngs $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leasehold improv ments $ Assets being acquired $ Total $ eginni of year 52,111,682 11, 10,456 37,405,388 6,292,438 16,198,332 12 ,218,296 (tran fe s) 908,738 1,122,966 3,184,297 – (2,42 ,4 6) 2,791,55 (1,154,82 ) (502,253) (130,426) – – (1,78 ,50 ) nd of year 51,865,592 11,831, 69 40,459,259 6,292,438 13,773,886 124,22 , 44 ted depreciation eginni of year 16,878,123 5, 38, 41 33, 28,479 5,696,719 – 61,041,862 on 2,622,75 1,635,815 2,153,37 202,194 – 6,614, 39 (1,154,82 ) (219,274) (112,67 ) – – (1,486,778) nd of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,1 6 5,898, 13 – 66,169,223 value, end of year 33,519,540 5, 76,087 5,290,082 393,52 13,773,886 5 ,053,12 Public Workers’ Co- perativ Credit Union Limite nsolidated F nancial Statements dos dollars) 45 d Equipment …conti ued 2023 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and quipment $ Leas hold improvem nts $ As ts being acquired $ Total $ nn g of year 52,111,682 11,2 0,4 6 37,40 ,388 6,292,438 16, 98,332 123, 18,296 n fe s) 908,738 1,122,966 3,184,297 – (2,4 4,446) 2,791,555 (1,154,828) (502,253) (130,426) – – (1,787,507) of year 51,865,592 11,831,169 40, 59,259 6,292,438 13,77 ,88 124, 22,344 d depreciation nn g of year 16,878,123 5,338,541 33,128,479 5,696,719 – 61,041,862 2,6 2,757 1,63 ,815 2,153,373 202,194 – 6,614, 39 (1,154,828) (219,274) (112,676) – – (1,486,778) of year 18,346,052 6,75 ,082 35,169,17 5,898, 13 – 66,1 9,223 ue, nd of year 33,519,540 5,076,087 5,290,082 393,525 13,773,886 58,053,120 blic W rkers’ Co-operativ Cr dit Union Limited lida ed Financial Statemen s s d llars) 45 quipment …continued 2023 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leasehold improve s $ Assets being acquired $ Total $ g of year 52,111,682 1,2 0,456 37,405,388 6,292,438 16,198,332 3,2 8,296 er ) 908,73 1,122,966 3,184,297 – (2,424, 46) 2,791,555 (1,154,828) (502,253) (1 0,426) – – (1,787,507) ear 51,865,592 11,83 ,169 40,459,259 ,292,438 13,77 ,886 1 4,222,344 preciation g of year 16,878, 23 5,3 8,541 33,128,479 5,696, 19 – 1,041,862 2,62 ,757 1,635,8 5 2,1 3,373 202,194 – 6,614,139 (1,154,828) (219,274) (112,676) – – (1,486,778) ear 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5,898,913 – 66, 9,223 end of year 33,519,540 5,076,087 5,290,08 393,5 5 13,77 ,886 58,053,12 dos Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Un on Limited he Consolidated Fina cial Sta ements 20 4 n Barbados dollars) rty and Equipment …conti ued 2023 Land and build ngs $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leasehol improve ents A sets b ing acquir d $ Tota $ e, begi ning of year 52, 1,68 1,210,456 37,405,3 8 6 292 43 16,198, 32 1 3,218,296 ons/(tran fers) 908,738 1,1 2,9 6 3,184,297 – (2,424, 46) 2,791, 5 al (1,154,828) 502,253) (130,426) – – (1,787,507 e, end of y ar 51,865,592 1,831,169 40,459,259 6 292 438 13, 73, 86 124, 2,3 4 mulated depreciat on e, begi ning of year 16,878,123 5, 38,541 3,128,479 5 696 71 – 61,041,8 2 ciat on 2,6 2,757 1,635,815 2,153,373 202 194 – 6,614,139 al (1,154,828) 219,274) ( 12,676) – – (1,486, 78 e, end of y ar 18,346,052 6,7 5,082 35,169,176 898 913 – 66,169, 23 ok value, end of year 33,519,540 5,076,087 5,290,082 3 3 525 13, 73, 86 58,053,120