Consolidated Annual Report 2024

84 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2024 (expressed in Barbados dollars) 14 Property and Equipment Property and equipment is comprised of the following: 2024 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leasehold improvements $ Assets bei acquir Cost Balance, beginning of year 51,865,592 11,831,169 40,459,259 6,292,438 13,773,8 Additions/transfer 134,653 2,567,794 778,028 127,707 1,323,7 Disposal – (3,150,189) (63,143) (1,027) (388,5 Balance, end of year 52,000,245 11,248,774 41,174,144 6,419,118 14,709,0 Accumulated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5,898,913 Depreciation 2,472,300 1,632,484 1,967,944 60,772 Disposal – (2,435,206) (62,365) (662) Balance, end of year 20,818,352 5,952,360 37,074,755 5,959,023 Net book value, end of year 31,181,893 5,296,414 4,099,389 460,095 14,709,0 Assets being acquired represent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and on which no depreciation has been charged. arbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Lim ted tes to the Consolidated Financial Statements rch 31, 2024 pressed in Ba bados doll s) Property and Equipment Property and equipment is comprised of the following: 2024 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leasehold mprovements $ Assets being acquired $ Cost Balance, beginning of year 51,865,592 11,831,169 40,459,259 6,292,438 13,773,886 124 Additions/transfer 134,653 2,567,794 778,028 127,707 1,323,700 4 Disposal – (3,150,189) (63,143) (1,027) (388,563) (3 Balance, end of year 52,000,245 11,248,774 41,174,144 6,419,118 14,709,023 125 Accumulated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5,898,913 – 66 Depreciation 2,472,300 1,632,484 1,967,944 60,772 – 6 Disposal – (2,435,206) ( 2,365) (662) – (2 Balance, end of year 20,818,352 5,952,360 37,074,755 5,959,023 – 69 Net book value, end of year 31,181,893 5,296,414 ,099,389 460,095 14,709,023 55 Assets being acquired represent pu chases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and on which o depreciation has been charged. ados Public Workers’ Co-op rative Credit Unio Limited o the Consolidate Financi l S atements 31, 2024 ed in Barbados dollars) operty and Equi ment perty and equipment is comprised of the follow ng: 2024 Land buildings $ Motor vehicl s $ Furnit e and equipm nt $ Leasehold improvements $ Assets b ing acquired $ To t ance, beginning of year 51,865,592 1,831,169 40,459,2 9 6,292,438 13,773,8 6 124,222, itions/tra sfer 134,653 2,567,794 7 8,028 127,707 1,323,700 4,9 1, posal – (3,150,189) (63,143) (1,027) (388,563) (3,602, ance, end of year 52,000,245 11,248,774 41,174,1 6,4 9,118 14,709,023 125,551, umulated depreciation ance, beginning of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5,898,913 – 66,1 9, reciation 2,472,300 1,632,484 1,967,9 4 60,772 – 6,133, posal – (2,435,206) (62,3 5) (662) – (2,498, ance, end of year 20,818,352 5,952,360 37,074,755 5,959,023 – 69,804, book value, end of year 31,181,893 5,296,414 4,099,389 460,095 14,709,023 55,746, ets being acquired represent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and o which no reciation has been ch rged. os Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union L m ed h Consolidated Financial Statem nts 2024 n Barbados dollars) 4 rty and Equipment y and equipment is compr ed of the following: 2024 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leas hold improvements $ Assets being acquired $ Total $ e, b ginning of year 51,865,592 11,831,169 40,459,259 6 292 438 13,773,886 124, 22,34 ns/transfer 134,653 2,567,794 778,028 127 707 1,323,700 4,931,882 al – (3,150,189) (63,143) (1 027 (388,563) (3,602,922 e, end of year 52,000,245 11, 48,774 41, 74,144 6 419 18 14,709, 23 125,551,304 lated depr ciation e, b ginning of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5 898 913 – 66,169,223 ation 2,472,300 1,632,484 1,967,944 0 772 – 6,133,500 al – (2,435,206) (62,365) (6 2 – (2,498,233 e, end of year 20,818,352 5,952,360 37,074,755 5 959 023 – 69,804,490 ok value, end of y ar 31,181, 93 5,296,414 4,099,389 460 095 14,709, 23 55,746,814 being acqu red r present purchases of oper y and equipment which were not y in operation and on which o ation has been charg d. s Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited Consolidated Fina cial Statements 4 arbados dollars) 44 and Equipment nd equipment is comprised of the foll wing: 20 4 Land and build ngs $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and equipment $ Leasehold i provem nts $ Asset b ing acquir d $ Total $ eginnin of year 51,865,592 11,831, 69 40,459,259 6,292,438 13,773,886 124,222,344 transfe 134,653 2,567,794 778,028 127, 0 1,323,700 4,931,88 – (3,150,189) (6 ,143) (1,027) (388,563) (3,602,922) nd of year 52,000, 45 11,248,774 41,174, 4 6, 9,118 14,709, 23 125,55 ,304 ated depreciat on eginnin of year 18,346,052 6,755,082 35,169,176 5,898,913 – 66,169,223 on 2,472,300 1,632,484 1,967,944 60,7 2 – 6,133,500 – (2,435, 06) (6 ,365) 62) – (2,498, 33) nd of year 20,818,352 ,952,360 7,074, 55 5,959,023 – 69,804,490 value, end of year 31,18 , 93 5,296,414 4,099,389 460,0 5 14,709, 23 55,746,814 ng acquired represent purcha s of prop rty and equipment whic were not yet in operation and on which no on has been charged. Pu lic Worker ’ Co- perativ Credit Union Limite nsolidated F n ncial Statemen s dos ollars) 44 nd Equipment equipment is comprised of the following: 2024 Land and buildings $ Motor vehicles $ Furniture and quipment $ Leasehold im rovem nts $ Assets being acquired $ Total $ nn g of year 51,865,592 11 831,169 40 5 ,259 6,292,438 13,773,88 124,222,344 nsfe 134,653 2 567,794 78,028 127,707 1,323,700 4,931,882 – (3,150,189) (63,143) (1,027) (388,563) ( ,602,9 2) of year 52,000,24 11 2 8,774 1 1 ,1 6,419, 18 4,709, 23 1 5,5 1,30 d depr ciation nn g of year 18,346,052 ,755,082 3 169,176 5,898, 13 – 66,1 9,223 2,472,300 1,632,484 1 967,944 60,772 – 6,133,500 – (2,435,206) (62,365) (662) – (2,498,233) of year 20,818,35 5,9 2,36 37 0 4, 55 5,9 9,023 – 69,804,490 ue, end of year 31,181,89 5,296,414 4 099,389 460,095 14,709, 23 55,746,8 acquired represent purchases of pro erty and equipment whic were not yet in opera ion and on whic no has be n charg d. blic Workers’ Co- perative Cr dit Union L mited lidated Financial Stateme ts s d llar ) 44 Equipment pment is co p ised of the f llowing: 2024 Land and buildings $ Motor veh cles Furniture and equipment Leasehold improvements $ Ass t being acquired Total ng of year 51,865,592 11,831,169 40,459,259 6,292,438 13 77 886 1 4,222,344 r 134,653 2, 67,794 778 028 127,70 1,3 3 0 4 931,882 – (3,150, 89) (63 43 ( ,027) (388 563 ( ,602,922) ear 52,000,24 11,248,774 41,174,14 6, 19,118 4 70 023 25,551,304 preciation ng of year 18,346,052 6,755 8 35,169,176 5,898,91 – 66, 69,223 2,47 ,300 1,63 484 1,967,944 60,772 – 6,133,500 – (2,435,206) ( 2 365 (662) – (2,498,233) ear 20,818,35 5,952 60 37,074,755 5,959,02 – 69,804,4 0 end of year 31,18 ,89 5,296 414 ,099,389 460,095 14,709 023 55 46,814 uired r present purchas of prop rty and equi ment which were not yet in operati and on which no b en charged. dos Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union L mited the Consolida ed Financia Statements 1, 2024 in Barbad s dollars) erty and Equipment rty a d equ pment is comprised of the following: 2024 La and buildings $ Mot r vehicles Furniture and equipment Leasehold improve ts $ Assets being acquired Tot ce, begin ing of year 51 86 , 92 1 83 , 69 40 45 ,259 6 292,438 1 7 3,886 1 4 2 2,34 ions/transfer 134,653 2 56 , 94 77 ,028 12 , 07 1 323,70 4 931,88 sal – (3 150,189) (6 ,143) (1,027) (388,56 ) (3 60 ,92 ce, end of year 52 0 0, 45 11 248,774 4 7 ,144 6 419,118 14 709,023 12 ,30 mulat d epreciation ce, begin ing of year 18 346,052 6 755,082 35 169,176 5 898,913 – 6 169,22 ciation 472,30 1 632,484 1 967,94 60,7 2 – 6 133,50 sal – (2 435, 06) (62,365) ( 2) – (2 498, 3 ce, end of year 20 818,352 5 952,36 37 074,75 5 959,023 – 69 80 , 9 ook value, end of year 3 81,893 5 296,414 4 0 ,389 46 , 95 14 709,023 55 746,81 s being acquired re r s nt purcha es of p operty a d quipment which were not y t in operati n a d on which no ciation has been charged.