Consolidated Annual Report 2023

128 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2023 (expressed in Barbados dollars) 96 27 Capital Management The Group’s objectives when managing capital, which is a broader concept than the ‘equity’ on the face of the consolidated statement of financial position, are: • To comply with the capital requirements set by the regulators of financial institutions where the Group operates; • To safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern so that it can continue to provide returns to its shareholder and benefits for other stakeholders; and • To maintain a strong capital base to support the development of its business. Capital adequacy and the use of regulatory capital are monitored daily by the Group’s management, employing techniques based on policies and guidelines regulated by both the Co-operative Societies Act and the Financial Institutions Act. The Group’s approach to managing capital did not change during the period. Regulatory capital requirement Under governing legislation which became effective March 31, 2008, the Credit Union is required to transfer from net surplus for the year an amount equivalent to the greater of 25% of net surplus or 0.5% of total assets until the capital to total assets ratio equals 10%. (Note 21) For Capita Financial Services Inc., the Central Bank of Barbados requires that the entity (a) hold the minimum level of the regulatory capital and (b) maintain a certain ratio of total regulatory capital to the risk-weighted asset at or above the internationally agreed minimum of 8%. The Group has complied with all externally imposed capital requirements. 28 Goodwill Co-operative Credit Union Limited At a Special General Meeting on October 25, 2014, the members of Goodwill Co-operative Credit Union Limited (“Goodwill”) approved the transfer of Goodwill’s assets and liabilities to the Group, in accordance with Section 132 of the Co-operative Societies Act. The Group subsequently held a Special General Meeting on January 29, 2015, where its members approved the acceptance of the transfer. The Financial Services Commission effectively approved the cancellation of the registration of Goodwill Co-operative Credit Union Limited on April 16, 2015. The total assets and liabilities of Goodwill are recorded within Other Assets (Note 16) and Other Liabilities (Note 19) and are disclosed within the respective notes. 29 Subsequent Events There are no subsequent events requiring disclosure in the consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2023.