Separate Annual Report 2021

65 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2022 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Separate Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 37 12. Property and Equipment Property and equipment is comprised of the following: 2022 Furniture Assets Land and Motor and Leasehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired Cost Balance, beginning of year $ 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 5,575,146 16,327,938 10 Additions/transfer 1,974,823 101,405 1,453,215 - (129,606) Disposal - (205,776) (8,849) - - Balance, end of year 46,841,525 2,803,619 34,442,019 5,575,146 16,198,332 10 Accumulated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 14,351,637 1,426,492 29,374,027 5,015,928 - 5 Depreciation 1,858,404 354,273 1,881,512 414,580 - Disposal - (183,975) (8,849) - Balance, end of year 16,210,041 1,596,790 31,246,690 5,430,508 - 5 Net book value, end of year $ 30,631,484 1,206,829 3,195,329 144,638 16,198,332 5 Assets being acquired represent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and on which no depreciation has been charged. BAR DOS PUBLIC WORKE S' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Separat Financial Statemen s For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 37 12. Property and Equipment Property and equipment is comprised of the following: 2022 Furniture Assets Land and Motor and Leasehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired T Cost Balance, beginning of year $ 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 5,575,146 16,327,938 102,675, Additions/transfe 1,974,823 101,405 1,453,215 - (129,606) 3,399, Disposal - (205,776) (8,849) - - (214, Balance, e d of year 46,841,525 2,803,619 34,442,019 5,575,146 16,198,332 105,860 Accumulated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 14,351,637 1,426,492 29,374,027 5,015,928 - 50,168, Depreciation 1,858,404 354,273 1,881,512 414,580 - 4,508, Disposal - (183,975) (8,849) - (192,8 Balance, e d of year 16,210,041 1,596,790 31,246,690 5,430, 08 - 54,484, Net book value, end of year $ 30,631,484 1,206,829 3,195, 29 144,638 16,198,332 51,376, Assets being acquired represent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and on which no depreciation has been charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT U ION LIMITED Notes to the Separate Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 202 (Expres ed in Barbados dollars) 37 12. Property and Equipment Property and equipment is comprised of the following: 202 Furniture As ets Land and Motor and Leasehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired Cost Balance, begin ing of year $ 4 ,86 ,702 2,9 7,9 0 32,9 7,653 5,575,146 16,327,938 102 Ad i ions/transfer 1,974,823 101,405 1,4 3,215 - (129,606) 3 Disposal - (205,7 6) (8,849) - - Balance, end of year 46,841,525 2,803,619 34,442,019 5,575,146 16,198,3 2 1 5 Ac umulated depreciation Balance, begin ing of year 4,351,637 1,4 6,492 29,3 4,027 5,015,928 - 50 Depreciation 1,858,404 354,273 1,881,512 414,580 - 4 Disposal - (183,975) (8,849) - ( Balance, end of year 16,2 0,041 1,596,790 31,246,690 5,430,508 - 54 Net book value, end of year $ 30,631,484 1,206,829 3,1 5,329 14 ,638 16,198,3 2 51 As ets being acquired represent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and on which no depreciation has be n charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO- PERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIM TED Notes to the Separate Financial Statements For the y ar ended March 31, 2022 (Expr ssed in Barbados dollars) 37 12. Property and Equipment Property and equipment is comprised of the following: 0 2 Furniture As et Land and Mot r and L asehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired Cost Bal nce, beginn g of year $ 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 5, 75,146 16,327,938 102,6 Additions/transfer 1,974,823 101,405 1,453,215 - (129,606) 3, Di posal - (205,7 6) (8, 49) - - (2 Bal nce, end of year 46,841,525 2,803,619 34, 42,019 5, 75,146 16,198,3 2 105,8 Accumulated preciation Bal nce, beginn g of year 14,351,637 1,426,492 29,374,027 5,015,928 - 50,1 Depreciation 1,858,404 354,273 1,881,512 414,580 - 4,5 Disposal - (183,975) (8, 49) - (19 Bal nce, end of year 16,210, 41 1,596,790 31,246, 90 5,430,508 - 54, Net book value, nd of year $ 30,631,484 1,206,829 3,195,329 144,638 16,198,332 51,3 Assets being acquired r present purchases of property and equipment whic were not yet in operation and on whic no depreciation has been charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes o the Separ te Financial Sta ements For the year end d March 31, 202 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 37 12. Prope ty and Equipment Property and equipment is comprised of the following: 20 Furniture A set Land and Mot r and Leas hold being Buildings Vehicl s Equipment Improvements Acquired Cost B l nce, beginning of year $ 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 , 75,146 16,327,938 102,675 Additions/transfer 1,974,823 101,405 1,453,215 - (129,606) , 9 Dispo al - (205,776) ( , 49) - - (214 B lance, end of year 46,841,525 2,803,619 3 , 42,019 , 75,146 16,198,332 105,86 A cumulated epreciation B l nce, beginning of year 14,351,637 1,426,492 29,374,027 5,015,928 - 50,16 Depreciation 1,858,404 354,273 1,881,512 414,580 - 4,508 Disposal - (183,975) ( , 49) - (192 B lance, end of year 16,210, 41 1,596,790 31,24 , 90 5,430,508 - 5 , 84 Net book value, end of year $ 30,631,484 1,206,829 3,195,329 144,638 16,198,332 51,376 Assets b ing acquired present purchases of property and equipment which were not ye in operation and on which no depreciation has been charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CR DIT UNION LIM TED Notes o the S parate Financ al Statem n s For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expressed in Barb dos dollars) 37 12. Property and Equipment Property and equipment is compri ed of the following: 202 Furniture Asset Land and Mot r and Leas hold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvem nts Acquired Tot Cost Bal nce, beginni g of year $ 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 5, 75,146 16,327,938 102,675,42 Additions/tran fer 1,974,823 101,405 1,453,21 - (129,606) 3, 99,83 Dispo al - (205,776) (8, 49) - - (214,62 Bal nce, end of year 46,841,525 2,803,619 34, 42,019 5, 75,146 16,198,332 105,860, Accum lated depr ciation Bal nce, beginni g of year 14,351,637 1,426,49 9,374,02 5,015,928 - 50,168,08 Depr ciation 1,858,404 354,273 1,881,512 414,580 - 4,508,76 Disposal - (183,975) (8, 49) - (192,8 4 Bal nce, end of year 16,210, 4 1,596,790 31,246, 90 5,430,5 8 - 54, 84,02 Net book value, end of year $ 30,631,484 1,206,829 3,195,32 14 ,638 16,198,332 51,376, 1 Asset being acquired rep sent urchases of pro erty and equipment which were not yet in operati n a d on which no depreciation has been charged. AR ADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO- PERATIVE CREDIT UNIO LIM TED tes o the S parate Fin ncial St tements r the yea ended March 31, 2022 xpressed in Barb dos dollars) 37 Prope ty and Equipment Property and quipment is comprised of the llowing: 202 Furniture Asset Land and Motor and Leas hold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvem nts Acquired Total Cost Balance, beginning of year $ 44,866,702 2 907,990 32,997,653 ,575,146 6 327,938 102,675,429 Additions/ ransfer 1,974,823 101,405 1,453,215 - (129,606) 3,399,837 Dispo al - (205,776) (8,849) - - (214,625) Balance, end of y ar 46,841,525 803,619 34,4 2,019 5,575,146 6, 98,332 105,860,641 Accum lated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 14,351,637 1 426,492 2 ,374,0 7 5,015,928 - 50,168,0 4 Depr ciation 1,858,404 354,273 1,881,512 414,580 - 4,508,769 Disposal - (183,975) (8,849) - (192,8 4) Balance, end of y ar 16,210,041 1 596,790 31,246,690 5,430,5 8 - 54,484,029 Net book value, end of year $ 30,631,484 1 206,829 3,195,329 144,638 16, 98,332 51,376,612 Assets being acquired repr sent purchases of property and quipment which were not y t in operation and on which no depreciati n h s been charg d. R DOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNIO LIMITED s to the Separat Fin ncial Statements he yea nded March 31, 2022 ressed in Barbados dollars) 37 Prope ty and Equipment Property and equipment is com ri ed of the llowing: 202 Furniture Assets Land and Mot r and Leasehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired Total Cost Bal nce, begin i g of year $ 44,866,702 2,907,9 0 32,997,653 5, 75,146 16,327,938 102,675,429 Ad itions/transfer 1,974,823 101,405 1,453,215 - (129,606) 3, 99,837 Disposal - (205,7 6) (8, 49) - - (214,625) Bal nce, end of year 46,841,525 2,803,619 34, 42,019 5, 75,146 16, 98,3 2 105,860,641 Ac umulated depreci ion Bal nce, begin i g of year 14,351,637 1,426,492 9,374,027 5,015,928 - 50,168,084 Depreciation 1,858,404 354,27 1,881,512 414,580 - 4,508,769 Disposal - (183,975) (8, 49) - (192,824) Bal nce, end of year 16,210, 4 ,596,790 31,246, 90 5,430,508 - 54, 84,029 Net bo k valu , end of year $ 30,631,484 1,206,829 3,195,329 144,638 16,198,3 2 51,376, 12 Assets b ing acqu red represent purchases of prop rty and equipment wh ch were not y t in opera i n and on which no depre iation has been charged. BADOS PU LIC WORKERS' CO- PE ATIVE C ED T UNIO L M TED o the Separate Financial S a eme s year ended M rch 31, 2022 s d in Barb dos dollars) 37 rope ty and Equipment roperty and equipment is compr sed of the following: 202 Furniture Asset Land and Motor and Leasehold being Buildings Vehicl s Equipment Improv ments Acquired Total ost alance, b gin ing of y ar $ 44,866,702 2 907,990 32 7,65 5,575,146 16 327,938 102,675,429 dditions/transfer 1,974,823 101,405 53,215 - (129,606) 3 399,837 ispo al - (205,776) (8,849) - (214,625) alance, end of ye r 46,841,525 2 803,619 34,4 2,019 5,575,146 16 98,332 105,860,641 ccum lated d preciation alance, b gin ing of y ar 14,351,637 426,492 9 374,027 5, 15,928 - 50,168,084 epr ciation 1,858,404 354,273 1 881,5 2 4 4,580 - 4,508,769 isposal - (183,975) (8,849) - (192,8 4) alance, end of ye r 16,210,04 1 596,790 31,246,690 5,430,5 8 - 54,484,029 et book value, end of year $ 30,631,484 206,829 3 195,329 144,638 9 ,332 51, 76,612 sset b ing acqu red rep sent pu cha s of ro erty and equipment wh ch were not yet in operati n and on hic no depr ciati n has b en charg d. BAR ADOS PUBLIC WORK S' CO-OPERATIVE CRED T U ION LIMITED No s to the Sep rate Fin ncial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expresse in B b d s dollars) 37 12. Property a d Equipment Property and equipment is comprised f the following: 2022 F niture Assets L n and Motor and Leas hold being Buildings Vehicles Equipm nt Improvements Acquired Cost Bala ce, beginning of year $ 44 866,702 2,907,990 32,99 , 53 5 575,146 16,32 , 38 Addi ions/transfer 974,823 101,405 1,453,215 - (12 ,606) Di posal - 205,776) (8,849) - - Balanc , end of year 46 841,5 5 2,803,619 34,442,019 5 575,146 6,198,332 Accumulated depreciation Bala ce, beginning of year 14 35 ,637 1, 26,49 29,374,027 ,015,928 - Depreciation 1 858,404 354,273 1,881,512 414,580 - Disposal - 183, 75) (8,849) - Balanc , end of year 1 21 ,041 1,596,790 31,246,69 5,430,508 - Net book v lue, end of year $ 30 631,484 1,206,829 3,195,329 144,638 16,198,332 Ass ts b ing acqui ed r present pu chases of property and equipmen which were not yet in operation a d on which no d preciation has be n charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Separate Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 12. Property and Equipment, continued 2021 Furniture Assets Land and Motor and Leasehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired Cost Balance, beginning of year $ 44,957,811 2,907,990 32,018,892 5,575,146 14,066,971 99,526 Additions/transfer (91,109) - 978,761 - 2,260,967 3,148 Disposal - - - - - Balance, end of year 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 5,575,146 16,327,938 102,67 Accumulated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 12,851,133 1,072,999 27,345,746 4,484,800 - 45,754 Depreciation 1,500,504 353,493 2,028,281 531,128 - 4,413 Balance, end of year 14,351,637 1,426,492 29,374,027 5,015,928 - 50,168 Net book value, end of year $ 30,515,065 1,481,498 3,623,626 559,218 16,327,938 52,507 Assets being acquired represent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and on which no depreciation has been charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Separate Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expressed in Barb dos dollars) 12. Property and Equipment, continued 2021 Furniture Assets Land and Motor and Leasehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired Cost Bala ce, beginning of year $ 44,957,811 2,90 ,990 3 ,018,892 5,575, 6 14,066,971 Additions/transfer (91,109) - 978,761 - 2,260,967 Disposal - - - - - Balance, end of year 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 5,575, 46 16,327,938 Accumulated depreciation Bala ce, beginning of year 12,851,133 1,072,999 27,345,746 4,484,800 - Depreciation 1,500,504 353,493 2,028,281 531,128 - Balance, end of year 14,351,637 1,426,492 29,374,027 5,015,928 - Net book value, end of year $ 30,515,065 1,481,498 3,623,626 559,218 16,327,938 Assets being acquired represent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and on which no depreciation has been charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNIO LIMITED Notes to the Separate Financ al Statements For the y ar ended March 31, 022 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 12. Property and Equipment, continued 2021 Furniture Assets La d and Motor and L asehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired Cost Balance, beginning of year $ 44,957,811 2,90 ,990 32,018,892 5,575,146 14,066,971 99 Additions/ ra sfer (91,10 ) - 978,761 - 2,2 0,967 3 Di posal - - - - - Balance, end of year 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 5,575,146 16,327,9 8 102 Accumulated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 12,85 ,133 1,072,999 27,3 5,746 4,484,800 - 45 Depreciation 1,5 0,504 353,493 2,028,281 531,128 - 4 Balance, end of year 14,35 ,637 1,426,492 29,374,027 5,015,928 - 50 Net book value, end of year $ 30,515,065 1,481,498 3,6 3,626 559,218 16,327,938 52 Assets being acqui d represent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operation and on which no depreciation has been charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CR DIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Separate Fi ncial Sta ements For the year ended March 31, 20 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 12. Property and Equipment, continued 021 Furniture Assets Land and Motor and Leasehold being Bu ldings Vehicles Equipment Improvements Acquired Cost Bal nce, beginni g of year $ 44,957,811 2,907,990 2,01 , 92 5, 75,146 14,066,971 99,5 Additions/transfer (9 , 09) - 978,761 - 2, 60,967 3,1 Disposal - - - - - Bal nce, end of year 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,997,653 5, 75,146 16,327,938 102,6 Accumulate depreciation Bal nce, beginni g of year 12,851, 33 1,072,999 27,345,746 4, 84,800 - 45,7 Deprec ation 1,500,504 353,49 2,028,281 53 , 28 - , Bal nce, end of year 14,351,637 1,426,492 29,374,027 5,015,928 - 50,1 Net bo k value, end of year $ 30,515,06 1,481,498 3,623,62 559,218 16,327,938 52,5 Assets being acquired repr sent purchases of property and equipment which were not yet in operati n and on which no depreciation has been charged. BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED N tes to the S par te Fin ncial St em nts For the yea nd d March 3 , 202 (Exp ess d in Barbados do lars) 1 . Property and Equipmen , continued 21 Furniture sset La d and ot r and Leas hold i Buildi gs V hi le q i ent I prov m nts Ac ired o Balan e, begi ning of year $ ,957,811 2,90 ,990 ,01 , , 75,14 ,06 ,9 1 ,52 Additio s/tran f r ( 1, 0 ) , 6 - ,26 ,96 ,14 Dis al Balance, end f ear 4,866,7 2 ,907,990 2,99 ,6 , 75,146 6,327,9 8 1 ,67 A cum lated epr cia i n Balan e, begi ning of year ,85 , 33 ,07 ,999 ,34 ,74 , 8 ,80 5,7 p ciati n ,50 ,5 4 3 ,49 ,02 ,2 5 , 2 4, 1 Balance, end f ear 4,35 ,637 ,426,49 9,37 ,0 ,01 ,92 0,16 Ne book value, end of ar $ 0,515,065 ,48 ,49 ,62 ,62 559,218 6,32 ,9 8 ,50 As et being ac uired rep esent purchases of property and qui ent which wer not y t in operat n an whi no depreciati n h s e n charg . BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO- PERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIM TED Notes to the Separate Financ al Statements For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expressed in Ba b dos dollars) 12. Property and Equipment, continued 2021 Furniture Asset Land and Motor and Leas hold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvem nts Acquired Tot Cost Balance, beginning of year $ 44,957,811 2,907,9 0 32,018,892 5,575,146 14,066,971 99,526,81 Additions/ ransfer (91,10 ) - 978, 61 - 2,260,967 3,148,6 Dispo al - - - - - Balance, end of year 44,866,702 ,907,9 0 32,997,653 5,575,146 1 ,327,9 8 102,675,4 Accum lated depreciation Balance, beginning of year 12,851, 33 1,072,999 7,345,746 4,484, 00 - 45,754,6 Depr ciation 1,500,5 4 353,493 2,0 8, 1 531,128 - 4,413,40 Balance, end of year 14,351,6 7 1,426,49 29,374,02 5,015,928 - 50,168,0 Net book value, end of year $ 30,515,065 1,481,49 3,623,626 559,218 6,327,9 8 52, 07,34 Asset being acquired rep sent purchases of p o erty and equipment which were not yet in operation a d n which no depr ciation has been charged. AR DOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO- PERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED tes to the Separat Financial St m n s r the year ended March 31, 2022 xpressed in Barba os dollars) . Property and Equi ment, continued 20 1 Furniture Asset Land and Motor and Leas hold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improvem nts Acquired Total Cost Balance, beginn ng of year $ 44,957,811 2,907,990 2,018,892 5,575,146 ,066,971 99,526,810 Additions/transfe (91,109) - 978, 61 - 2,260,967 3,148,619 Dispo al - - - - - - Balance, e d of y r 44,866,702 2,907,990 32,9 7,653 5,575,146 6,327,938 10 ,675,429 Accum lated depreciation Balance, beginn ng of year 12,851,133 1,072,999 27,345, 46 4,484, 00 - 45,7 4,678 Depr ciation 1,500,5 4 353,49 2,0 8, 1 531,128 - 4,413, 06 Balance, e d of y r 14,351,637 1,426,492 9,374,0 7 5,015,928 - 50,168, 4 Net book value, end of y ar $ 30,515, 6 1,481,498 3,623,62 559,218 16,327,938 52, 07,34 Asset being acqu red repr sent purchases of prop rty and equipment which ere not y t in perati n a d on which no depreciation h s been charged. RBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OP RATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED es t the Separat Financial Sta emen s he yea ended March 31, 2022 ressed in Barba os dollars) Prope ty and Equipment, conti u d 2021 Furnit re Assets Land a d Mot r and Leasehold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improve ts Acquired Total Cost Bal nce, begin i g of year $ 44,957,811 2 907,990 2,018, 92 5, 75,146 1 06 ,97 9 ,526,8 0 Ad itions/transfer (91, 09) - 978,761 - 2, 60,9 7 3,148, 19 Disposal - - - - - - Bal nce, end of year 4 ,866,702 2 9 7,99 32,997,653 5, 5,146 16 32 ,938 02,6 5,429 Ac umulated preciation Bal nce, begin i g of year 12,851, 33 072,999 27,345,746 4, 84,800 - 45,754,678 Depreciation 1,500,5 4 3 3,49 2,028,281 531, 28 - 4, 13, 06 Bal nce, end of year 14,351,637 426,492 9,374,0 7 5,015,928 - 50,168,084 Net bo k value, end of year $ 30,515,065 1 48 ,498 3,623,626 559, 18 16 327,938 52,507, 45 Assets b ing acquired represent rcha s of prop rty and equipme t wh ch were not yet in peration and on which no depre iati n has b en charg d. BADOS PU LIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE C EDIT UNIO L MITED o the S parate Financial S t me ts year ended M ch 31, 202 s d in Barbados dollars) rope ty and Equipment, continu d 2021 Furniture Asset Land and Motor and Leas hold being Buildings Vehicles Equipment Improv m nts Acquired Total ost alance, b ginning of year $ 44,957,811 2 907 99 32, 18,892 5,575,146 14 06 971 9 ,526,810 dditions/transfer (91,10 ) - 978,761 - 2,260,967 3,148,6 ispo al - - - - - - alance, end of ye r 44,866,702 2 9 7,99 32, 7,653 5,57 ,14 16 327,9 8 102,675,42 ccum lated depr ciation alance, b ginning of year 12,85 ,133 072 999 27,345,746 4,48 ,800 - 45,7 ,6 8 epr ciation 1,500,5 4 353, 93 2,028,2 1 531, 28 - 4,413,406 alance, end of ye r 14,35 ,6 7 426,49 9,37 ,027 5, 15,928 - 50,168,0 4 et book value, end of y ar $ 30,515,065 1 481,49 3,623,626 559,218 16 327,9 8 52,507,345 sset b ing acquired repres nt urcha s of roperty and equipment which wer not y t in operati n and on hic no deprec ation has be n charged. - ,