Separate Annual Report 2021

114 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2022 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Separate Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 87 23. Financial Risk Management, continued Liquidity risk and funding management, continued Analysis of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities The table below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows (include estimated interest payments) of the Credit Union’s financial liabilities as of March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 on the basis of their earliest possible contractual maturity. Liquidity risk – Financial liabilities 2022 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Deposits $ 753,165,831 131,323,722 567,852,513 66,086,919 Reimbursable shares - - 20,756,626 - Other liabilities 276,912 10,656,046 2,282,566 2,030,732 $ 753,442,743 141,979,768 590,891,705 68,117,651 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Deposits $ 720,150,509 130,279,482 527,661,490 67,369,107 Reimbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - Other liabilities 177,869 11,122,137 1,495,859 2,411,165 $ 720,328,378 141,401,619 543,859,513 69,780,272 OS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Separate Financial Statements ended March 31, 2022 Barbados dollars) 87 ial Risk Management, continued ty risk and funding management, continued is of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities ble below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows (include estimated interest nts) of the Credit Union’s financial liabilities as of March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 on the basis of rliest possible contractual maturity. ty risk – Financial l ab lities 2022 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total s $ 753,165,831 131,323,722 567,852,513 66,08 ,919 1,518,428,985 rsable shares - - 20,756,626 - 20,756,626 abilities 276,912 10,656,046 2,282,5 6 2,030,732 15,246,256 $ 753,442,743 141,979,768 590,891,705 68,117,651 1,554,431,867 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total s $ 720,150,509 130,279,482 527,661,490 67,369,107 1,445,460,588 rsable shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 abilities 177,869 11,122,137 1,495,859 2,411,165 15,207,030 $ 720,328,378 141,401,619 543,859,513 69,780,272 1,475,369,782 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the S para e Financi l St tements For the year nd d March 31, 202 (Expressed in Barbados llars) 87 23. Financial Risk Management, continued Liquidity risk and funding management, continued Analysis of financ al l abilities by re ining contrac u l m turities The table below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows (include estima ed interest payments) of the Credit Union’s financial liabi ities as of March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 on the basis of their ea liest possible contrac u l m turity. Liquidity r sk – Financi l li bilities 202 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Deposits $ 75 ,165,831 131,323,722 567,852,513 66,086,919 1,5 Reimbursable shares - - 20,756,626 - Other liabi ties 276,912 10,656,04 2,282,566 ,030,732 $ 753,442,743 141,979,768 590,891,705 68,117,651 1,5 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Deposits $ 720,150,509 130,279,482 527,661,490 67,369,107 1,4 Reimbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - Other liabi ties 177,869 11,122,137 1,495,859 ,411,165 $ 720,328,378 141,401,619 543,859,513 69,780,272 1,4 BADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' O-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED o the Separate Financial Stateme ts year ended March 31, 2022 sed in Barbados dollars) 87 nancial Risk Man geme , continued quidity risk a f nding managemen , co tinued nalysis of financial liabilities by rem ining contractual maturities he table below summarises th maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows (include estimat d interest ayments) of the Credit Union’s financ al liabilities as of March 31, 2022 and c 31, 021 on the basis of e r earlie t possible contractual maturity. quidity risk – Financia l abilities 2022 Within Wi i Wi i Over 3 months 3-12 1-5 year 5 y r Total eposits $ 7 3,165,831 1 1 3 3 722 567 852 513 6 086 9 9 1,518 428 85 eim ursable hares - - 20,756,626 - 20,75 ,626 ther liabilities 276,912 10,656 046 2 282 56 2 030 732 15 246 256 $ 753,442,743 141 979 68 590 891 05 68 1 7 651 1,554 431 867 2021 Within Wi i Wi i Over 3 months 3-12 1-5 year 5 y r Total eposits $ 720,150,509 130 279 482 527 661 90 67 369 107 1,445 460 588 eim ursable hares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 ther liabilities 177,869 11,122 137 1 4 5 859 2 411 165 15 2 7 030 $ 720,328,378 141 401 619 43 859 5 3 69 80 272 1,475 369 78 ADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OP ATIVE CREDIT UN ON LIMITED the Separa Financial Statements ear ended March 31, 2022 ed in Barbados dollars) 87 nancial Risk Man gement, continued quidity risk and funding management, continued nalysis of financia liabilities by remain ng contractual maturities e tab e below summaris s the matu ity pr file of the undiscounted cas flows (include estimated inter st yments) of the Cred t Unio ’s financial liabilities as of March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 on the basis of eir earlie t possible contractual maturity. quidity risk – Financ al liabilities 202 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total po its $ 753,165,831 131,32 ,722 567,85 ,513 66,086,919 1,51 ,428,985 eimbursable shares - - 20,75 ,626 - 20,75 ,626 her liabilities 276,912 10,65 ,046 2,282,566 2,030,732 15,24 ,256 $ 753,442,743 1 1,9 9,768 5 0,891,705 68,117,651 1,554,431,8 7 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total po its $ 720,150,509 130,279,482 5 ,661,490 7,36 ,107 1,445,46 ,588 eimbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 her liabilities 177,869 1,122,137 1,495,859 2,411,16 15,207,030 $ 720,32 ,378 141,401,619 5 3,859,513 69,780,272 1,4 5,369,782 DOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO- PERATIVE REDIT UNION LIMI ED e Separ te Fina cial Sta ements ar ende March 31, 20 2 d in Barbados dollars) 87 cial Risk Man gement, continued id ty risk and fu ding man g ment, conti ued lysi of fina cial liab lities by remaining contractual matur ties table below summarises the ma urity profile of the ndiscounted cash flows (in lu e estimated interest ments) of the Credit U ion’s fina cial l abil tie as of M rch 31, 20 2 and March 31, 20 1 on the basis of earliest possible contractual maturity. id ty risk – Fina c al liabilit es 0 2 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total osit $ 753,165,831 1 1,323,722 567,852,513 66,086,919 ,518,428,985 mbursable shares - - 20,756, 26 - 20,756, 2 er l abilities 276,912 10,656,046 2,282,5 6 2,030,732 15,246,256 $ 753,442,743 141,979,768 590,8 1,705 68,1 7,6 1 1,554,431,867 20 1 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total osit $ 720,150,509 130,279,482 527,661,490 67,369,1 7 1,445,460,588 mbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 er l abilities 177,869 1,122,137 1,495,859 2,411,165 15,207,030 $ 720,328,378 141,401,619 543,859,513 69,780,272 1,475,369, 82 OS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITE Separ te Financi l St tem nts nd d March 31, 202 n Barbados dollars) 87 ci l Risk Management, continued ty risk and funding management, continued si of financi l liabilities by remain g contractu l m tur ies ble elow sum arises the maturity profil of the undiscounted cas flows (include estimated inter st nts) of the Cr dit Union’s financial liab l t es as of March 31, 202 and March 31, 2021 on the basis of a liest po sible contractual ma urity. ty risk – Financial liabilities 20 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total its $ 753,165,831 131,323,7 2 567,852,513 6,08 ,919 1,518,42 ,985 ursable shares - - 20,756, 2 - 20,756, 2 iab l ties 276,912 10,656,04 2, 8 ,566 2,030,7 2 15,246,25 $ 753,442,7 3 141,979,768 590,891,705 68,117,651 1,554, 31,867 20 1 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total its $ 720,15 ,509 130,279,482 527,661,490 67,369,107 1,445,460,588 ursable shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 liab l ties 1 7,869 1, 22,137 1,495,859 2,411, 65 15,207,030 $ 720,328,37 141,40 ,619 543,859,513 69,780,272 1,475,369,782 S PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE REDIT UNION LIMITED epar te Financi l S atements nded March 31, 202 Barbados dollars) 87 al Risk Management, continued y r sk and fu ding ma agement, continued of f nancial liabil ties by remain g contrac ual matur ties elow sum arises the maturity profile of th undiscounted cash flows ( nclude stimated inter st s) of he Credit Union’s financi l iabi t es as of M rch 31, 2022 and March 31, 20 1 on the basis of iest pos ible contractual maturity. y r sk – Financial iabil ties 202 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total $ 753,165,831 131,323,722 567,852,51 66,086,919 1,518,428,985 sable hares - - 20,756, 26 - 20,756, 26 bi t es 276,912 10,656,046 , 82,56 2,030,73 15,246,256 $ 753,442,743 141,979,768 590,89 ,705 68,117,651 1,554,431,867 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total $ 720,150,509 130,279,482 527,66 ,490 67,369,107 1,445,460,588 sable hares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 bi t es 177,869 1 , 22,137 1,495,859 2,411, 65 15,207,030 $ 720,328,378 141,401,619 543,859,513 69,780,272 1,475,369,782 S PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UN ON LIMITED parate Fina cial Statem nts de March 31, 20 arbados dollars) 87 Risk Man gement, co ti ued risk and fu ing management, conti ued of ina cial iabilit es by r m ining co tractual ma rit es b low summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows (include estimated interest ) of the Credit Union’s fi a cial l bil ties s of March 31, 20 and March 31, 20 1 on the basis of st possible contractual ma rity. risk – Fina cial liabilit es 20 With n With n With n Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total $ 753,16 ,8 1 13 , 2 ,72 567,852, 13 6 ,086,91 ,518,428,9 5 able shares - - 20,756,62 - 20,756,62 lities 276,912 10,65 ,046 2, 8 ,566 2,03 ,732 15,246,2 6 $ 753,4 2,743 14 ,97 , 68 590,89 ,7 5 68,1 7, 51 ,5 4,431,867 20 1 With n With n With n Over 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total $ 720,150, 9 130,279,482 527,6 1,490 67,369,107 1,4 5, 60,58 able shares - - 14,702, 64 - 14,702, 64 ilities 17 ,869 1 , 2 , 37 1,495,859 2,41 , 65 15,207, 3 $ 720,328,378 14 , 01,6 9 543,859, 13 69,780,27 ,475,369, 82 PU L W RKE S -OP T VE CRE IT UN O L MI epara e nanc al Statemen s ende a ch 31, 20 2 n Ba bados d llars) 87 ial sk Man ge en , continued ty isk a u ing management, continued is inancia l ab l ties by remai n c ntractu l ma r t es le be ow sum ar ses he maturity p of le of the und scounted cash flo s ( nclud est mated interes nts of the C edit U ion’s financ al liabi it es as of March 31, 20 2 nd March 31, 2021 on he basis o r iest po sible contractual maturi y. ty isk – ancia l ab l tie 20 2 Wi h n Wi h n Wi h n ve 3 on hs 3 12 on h -5 year 5 years To al ts $ 753 165 831 131 323,7 2 567 852,513 6 086,91 1 518 428,985 ursab e shares 20 756 62 - 20 756 62 abil t es 276 912 10 656 046 2 282,5 6 2 030,732 15 246,256 $ 753 42 743 141 979,768 590 8 1,705 68 17,651 1 54 431,8 7 2021 Wi h n Wi h n Wi h n ve 3 on hs 3 12 on h -5 year 5 years To al ts $ 720 150 509 130 279,482 527 61,490 67 3 9,107 1 5 460,5 8 ursab e shares 14 702 164 - 14 702 16 abil t es 1 7 869 1 1 2 13 495,859 2 4 1,165 15 207,03 $ 720 3 8 378 14 401,619 543 859,513 69 7 0,27 1 475 369,782 12 a 5 y a u e ar e o t s s s l es lia a t l 53, 6 , 31 31, 2 , 2 67, 5 , 13 , 86, 9 , 18, 2 , 8 l a 0, 56, 6 0, 56, 6 bi 76, 1 0, 56, 6 , 82, 6 , 30, 3 5, 46, 6 53, , 43 41, 7 , 68 90, 9 , 05 8, 7, 1 ,5 , 3 , 6 021 5, , 2, 8, 5 l h r ili 2 6 2 6 2, , 1, 1 1, 7 r r