Consolidated Annual Report 2022

BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2022 122 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2022 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 91 25.3 Liquidity risk and funding management, continued Liquidity Risk - Financial Liabilities Analysis of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities The table below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows of the Group’s financial liabilities as of March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 on the basis of their earliest possible contractual maturity. 2022 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Deposits $ 832,070,148 262,738,699 635,694,865 66,489,524 1, Loans payable - - - 1,277,297 Reimbursable shares - - 20,756,626 - Other liabilities 4,638,363 11,031,230 4,954,074 3,389,635 $ 836,708,511 273,769,929 661,405,565 71,156,456 1, 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Deposits $ 774,680,735 244,309,477 607,736,796 67,947,689 1, Loans payable - - - 1,317,476 Reimbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - Other liabilities 6,499,249 11,122,137 1,495,859 2,213,443 $ 781,179,984 255,431,614 623,934,819 71,478,608 1, DOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Consolidated Financial Statements ended March 31, 2022 in Barbados dollars) 91 dity risk and funding management, co tinued dity Risk - Financial Liabilities sis of financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities ble below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows of the Group’s financial liabilities March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 on the basis of their earliest pos ible contractual maturity. 2022 Within ithin ithin Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 y rs Total sits $ 832,070,148 262, 38,699 35,694,865 6,489,524 1,79 ,993,236 payable - - - 1,277,297 ,2 ,297 bursable shares - - 20,756,626 - 20,756,626 liabilities 4,638,363 11,031,2 0 4,954,074 3,389,635 24,013,302 $ 836,708,511 273,769,929 661,405,565 7 ,156,456 1,843,040,461 2021 Within ithin ithin Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 y rs Total sits $ 774,680,735 2 4,3 9,477 607,736, 96 ,947,689 1,694,674,697 payable - - - 1,317,476 ,3 ,476 bursable shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 liabilities 6,499,249 11,12 ,137 ,495,859 2,213,443 21,330,688 $ 781,179,984 255,431,614 623,934,819 71,478,608 1,732,025,025 n n r ARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIV CREDIT UNION LIMITED es to the Consol d ted Financial S atements the y ar ended March 31, 2022 pressed in Ba bados dollars) 91 3 Liquidity risk and funding management, continu d Liquidity Risk - Financial Liabilities Analysis of fin nc al liab lities by remaining contr ctual maturities The table below summarises the maturity profile of the undiscounted cash flows of the Group’s financial liabil ties as of March 31, 2022 and March 31, 2021 on the basis f their earliest possible contractual maturity. 2022 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total Deposits $ 832,070,148 262,738,699 635,694,865 6 ,489,524 1,796,993,236 Lo ns payable - - - 1,277,297 1,277,297 Reimbursable shares - - 20,756,626 - 20,756,626 Other liabilities 4,638,363 11,031,230 4,954,074 ,389,635 24,013,302 $ 836,708,511 273,769,929 661,405,565 71,156,456 1,8 3,040,46 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total Deposits $ 774,680,735 244,309,477 607,736,796 67,947,689 1,694,674,697 Lo ns payable - - - 1,317,476 1,317,476 Reimbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 Other liabilities 6,499,249 11,122,137 1,495,859 2,213,443 21,330,688 $ 781,179,984 255,431,614 623,934,819 7 ,478,608 1,73 ,025,025 RBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIV CRED T UNION LIMITED s t the Consolidated Financial Stateme ts he year ended March 31, 202 res ed in Barbado dollars) 91 Liquidity risk and funding management, continued Liqu dity Risk - Financial Liabil t es Analysis of financ al iabil ties by remaining ontractual maturit es The table below summarises he matur ty profile of the undiscoun ed cash lows of the Group’s financial liabilit es s of March 31, 202 nd March 31, 2021 on the basis of their earliest pos ible contract al maturity. 202 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total Deposits $ 832,070,148 262,738,69 35,694,865 66, 89,524 1,796,993,236 Loans payable - - - 1,27 ,297 1,27 ,297 Reimbursable shares - - 20,756,626 - 20,756,626 Other liabil t es 4,638,363 1 , 31,230 4,954,074 3,389,635 24,013,302 $ 36,708,51 273,769,929 661,405,565 71,156,456 ,843,040,461 2021 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total Deposits $ 774,680,735 24 ,309,47 07,736,796 6 , 47,689 1,694,674,697 Loans payable - - - 1,317,476 1,317,476 Reimbursable shares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 Other liabil t es 6,49 ,249 1 ,12 ,137 1,495,859 2,213,4 3 21,330,68 $ 781,179,984 25 , 31,614 23, 34,819 71,478,608 1,732,025,025 BADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIM TED o the C nsolidated Financial Statements y ar nded March 31, 202 sed in Barba os ollars) 91 quid ty risk and fun ing manag ment, continued quidity Risk - F nanc l Liabilities nalysis of financ iabilities by remain ng con rac u l maturities he ta le b low summarises the maturi y profile of the undiscounted cash flows of he Group’s fin nci l abilities s of March 31, 2022 and March 31, 021 on the basis of their arli st possible contractu l m turi y. 0 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total eposits $ 832,070 148 262,738 699 635,694 865 6,489,524 1,7 6, 93,2 6 oans payable - - - 1, 77 297 1, 77,297 eimbursable shares - - 20,756 62 - 20,756 62 ther abilities 4,638 6 11,031 230 4,954 074 3,389,635 24,013,302 $ 836,708 511 273, 69 92 661,405 56 71,156,456 1,843,040, 61 20 1 Within Within Within Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total eposits $ 774,680 735 244,309 477 607, 36 796 67,947,689 1, 94, 74,697 oans payable - - - 1,3 7 4 6 ,3 7,4 6 eimbursable shares - - 14,702 164 - 14,702 164 ther abilities 6,499 249 11,122 137 1,495 8 9 2,213,443 ,330,688 $ 781,179 984 255,431 6 4 623,9 4 819 71,478,608 1,732, 5,025 DOS PUBLIC WORKE S’ O-OPERATIVE CR DIT UNION LIMITED e Consolida d Financial Statem n s ar ended March 31, 20 2 d in Barbados dollars) 91 idity r sk and funding management, co inued idity R sk - Financ al Liabilit es ysis of f nanc a liab l ties by remaining co tractual maturities able below summarises the ma uri y profile of the undiscounted cash flows of the Group’s financial liab l ties March 31, 20 2 and March 31, 2021 on the basis of their earliest po ible contractual maturi y. 20 2 ithin W thin W thin Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total osits $ 832,070,148 62,738,699 635,694,865 6,489,524 1,796, 93,236 s payable - - - 1,2 7,297 1,2 7,297 mbursable hares - - 20,756,626 - 20,756,626 r liab l ties 4,638,363 11,031,230 4,954, 74 3,389,635 24,013,302 $ 836,708,5 1 273,769,929 661,405,565 71,156,456 1,843,040,461 2021 ithin W thin W thin Over 3 months 3 -12 months 1-5 years 5 years Total osits $ 74,680,735 244,309,477 607,736, 96 67,947,689 1,694,674,697 s payable - - - 1,317,476 1,317,476 mbursable hares - - 14,702,164 - 14,702,164 r liab l ties 6,4 9,249 11,122,137 1,495,859 2,213, 43 21, 30,6 8 $ 781,179,984 255,431,614 623,934,819 71,478,608 1,732,025,025 LI W E S’ RATI C D T N L T D id n n St tem s nd ch 1 2 ar os la ty s f d ma em nti ed ty k ina ci L ab li i s s of nci l l ti s r m ning co tra tu u ities a e su m i t rity r fi e f t e co f ow th p’ inancial lia i t es c 1 d ch 2 o he as s of t e rliest ble actual i y. hs 2 m n hs 1 ye s y s ot l t 32 0, 8 8, 9 4, 5 4 ,5 9 3,2 a 7 2 2 7 e , 6 , 6 l a i ties 3 , 4 3 6 5 0 ,3 2 36 , 1 9, 9 5, 5 1 ,4 6 4 0 0,4 s 2 m n hs 1 ye s y s ot l t 74 , , , 9 ,6 6 ,6 a 3 4 e , , l a i tie , 2 4 3 ,6 81 , , , 4 ,6 3 0 ,0 DO P L O KERS’ ERATI E EDI UN nsoli ate F ancial S t ment nded M rch 1, 202 n B rbados llars) 1 d sk and fundi n ge ent cont nued isk - n n i l Li bil ti s si of inan ial liabi t es y r mai ng co ctu l m t i es ble b l w um ar ses he mat rity r f le of he undi co ted ash flow of the Gr up’s inanci l bil t es M r h 1, 202 nd rch 1, 2021 n the basis f their arli st po si le contr ctu l m t rity. 02 hi i hin i hin er nt s 12 onths - years ears t l its 32, 70 48 262, 38 69 35, 94 865 , 89 24 1, 96 3 36 payable , 7 9 , 7 9 ur able har s 0, 56 2 0, 56 2 iabi i ies , 38 63 1 ,03 2 0 4,95 07 , 89 35 4, 13 02 36, 08 1 273,769 92 6 1,405 56 1, 56 1, 43 0 61 021 hi i hin i hin er nt s 12 onths - years ear t l its 4, 80 35 24 ,309 47 607,736 9 7, 4 89 1, 94 7 97 pay ble , 17 76 , 17 76 ur able har s 4, 02 64 4, 02 64 iabi i ies , 9 4 1 ,12 37 1,495 859 , 13 1, 0 8 81, 79 84 25 ,431 614 623,934 819 1, 8 0 1, 32 25 h h h e 3 e i 83 0 26 7 63 6 6 79 a 2 2 h 2 7 2 7 e 6 1 9 3 2 0 3 7 27 7 66 4 7 1 84 5 n n 5 5 ans a e bi t t h 1 1 s , , , , , , , e , , , , , , , a ar pay ar nd c s f i r i y p’ i c n i ac al y y