Consolidated Annual Report 2021

35 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2021 8 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended March 31, 2021 With comparative figures for 2020 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) Share Statutory Other Retained Notes Capital Reserves Reserves Earnings At March 31, 2019 $ 11,400,600 134,694,284 4,902,996 137,531 Impact of IFRS 16 implementation - - - (96,402) Adjusted balance as at April 1, 2019 11,400,600 134,694,284 4,902,996 41,129 1 Profit for the year - - - 18,394,685 Other comprehensive income - - 667,933 - Issue of shares 20 732,120 - - - Redemption of shares 20 (124,320) - - - Transfer to statutory reserves 21 - 7,637,941 - (7,637,941) Entrance fees 21 - 30,505 - - Transfer to special reserves 22 - - 1,127,129 (1,127,129) Special reserves released to retained earnings 22 - - (860,300) 860,300 Reserve for interest on non-performing loans 22 - - 2,855,708 (2,855,708) Distributions to members 10 - - - (3,574,873) At April 1, 2020 12,008,400 142,362,730 8,693,466 4,100,463 Profit for the year - - - 9,526,168 Other comprehensive income - - 508,318 - Issue of shares 20 430,560 - - - Redemption of shares 20 (81,960) - - - Transfer to statutory reserves 21 - 8,161,311 - (8,161,311) Entrance fees 21 - 17,940 - - Transfer to special reserves 22 - - 1,235,578 (1,235,578) Special reserves released to retained earnings 22 - - (784,301) 784,301 Reserve for interest on non-performing loans 22 - - 165,839 (165,839) Distributions to members 10 - - - (3,608,173) Adjustment - - - (490) At March 31, 2021 $ 12,357,000 150,541,981 9,818,900 1,239,541 1 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 8 ARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended March 31, 2021 With comparative figures for 2020 (Expres ed in Barbados dollars) Share Statutory Other Retained Notes Capital Reserves Reserves Earnings At March 31, 2019 $ 1 ,40 ,60 134,694,284 4,902,9 6 137,531 1 Impact of IFRS 16 implementation - - - (96,402) Adjusted balance as at April 1, 2019 1 ,40 ,60 134,694,284 4,902,9 6 41,129 1 Profit for the year - - - 18,394,685 1 Other comprehensive income - - 6 7,93 - Is ue of shares 20 732,120 - - - Redemption of shares 20 (124,320) - - - Transfer to statutory reserves 21 - 7,637,941 - (7,637,941) Entrance fe s 21 - 30,505 - - Transfer to special reserves 2 - - 1,127,129 (1,127,129) Special reserves released to retained earnings 2 - - (860,30 ) 860,30 Reserve for interest on non-performing loans 2 - - 2,855,708 (2,85 ,708) Distributions to members 10 - - - (3,574,873) At April 1, 2020 12,008,40 142,362,730 8,693,46 4,10 ,463 1 Profit for the year - - - 9,526,168 Other comprehensive income - - 508,318 - Is ue of shares 20 430,560 - - - Redemption of shares 20 (81,960) - - - Transfer to statutory reserves 21 - 8,161,31 - (8,161,31 ) Entrance fe s 21 - 17,940 - - Transfer to special reserves 2 - - 1,235,578 (1,235,578) Special reserves released to retained earnings 2 - - (784,301) 784,301 Reserve for interest on non-performing loans 2 - - 165,839 (165,839) Distributions to members 10 - - - (3,608,173) Adjustment - - - (490) At March 31, 2021 $ 12,357,0 150,541,981 9,818,90 1,239,541 1 The ac ompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 8 BAR DOS PUBLIC WORKE S’ CO-OPERATIVE CR DIT UNION LIMITED Consolidated Stat ment of Changes i Equity For the year ended March 31, 202 With comparative figur s for 2020 (Expressed in Barbados dollar ) Share Statutory Other Retained Notes Capital Reserves Reserves Earnings T At March 31, 2019 $ 11,400,600 134,694,284 4,902,9 6 137,531 51,135 Impact of IFRS 16 implementation - - - (96,402) (96 Adjusted balance s at April 1, 2019 11,400,600 134,694,284 4,902,9 6 41,129 151,039 Profit fo the year - - - 18,394,685 18,394 Other comprehensive i come - - 667,933 - 667 Issue of shares 20 732,120 - - - 732 Redemption of shares 20 (124,320) - - - (124 Transfe to statu ory reserves 21 - 7,637,941 - (7,637,941) Entrance fees 21 - 30,505 - - 30 Transfer to special r serves 22 - - 1,127, 29 (1,127, 29) Special r serves released to retained earnings 22 - - (860,300) 860,300 Reserve for interest on non-performing loa s 22 - - 2,855,70 (2,855,70 ) Distributions to members 10 - - - (3,574,873) (3,574 At April 1, 2020 12,008,40 142,362,730 8,693,466 4,100, 63 167,165 Profit fo the year - - - 9,526,168 9,526 Other comprehensive i come - - 508,318 - 508 Issue of shares 20 430,560 - - - 430 Redemption of shares 20 (81,960) - - - (81 Transfe to statu ory reserves 21 - 8,161,3 - (8,161,31 ) Entrance fees 21 - 17,940 - - 17 Transfer to special r serves 22 - - 1,235,578 (1,235,578) Special r serves released to retained earnings 22 - - (784,301) 784,301 Reserve for interest on non-performing loa s 22 - - 165,839 (165,839) Distributions to members 10 - - - (3,608,173) (3,608 Adjustment - - - (490) At March 31, 202 $ 12,357,000 150,541,981 9,818, 00 1,239,541 73,957 The accompanying otes form an integral part of these consolidated f n ncial statemen s. 8 ARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO- PERATIV CREDIT UNION LIM TED onsolidated Statem nt of Changes in Equity or the y ar ended March 31, 2021 ith comparative figures for 2020 xpressed in Barba os dollars) Share Statutory Other Retained Notes Capital Reserv s Reserv s Earnings Tota t March 31, 2019 $ 11,400,600 134,694,284 ,902,996 137,531 15 ,135,41 mpact of IFRS 16 implementation - - - (96,402) (96,40 djusted balance as t April 1, 2019 11,400,6 0 134,694,284 ,902,996 41,129 151,039,00 ofit for the y ar - - - 18,394,685 18,394,68 ther comprehensive income - - 667,933 - 667,93 sue of shares 20 732,1 0 - - - 732,1 edemption f shares 20 (124,320) - - - (124,32 ansfer to statuto y reserv s 21 - 7,637,941 - (7,637,941) ntrance fe s 21 - 30,5 5 - - 30,5 ansfer to special reserv s 22 - - 1,127,129 (1,127,129) pecial reserv s eleas d retained arn gs 22 - - (860,3 0) 860,3 0 eserv for inter st on non-performing loans 22 - - 2,855,708 (2,855,708) str butions to members 10 - - - (3,574,873) ( ,574,87 t April 1, 2020 12,008,400 142,362,730 8,693,466 4,100,463 1 7,165,0 ofit for the y ar - - - 9,526,1 8 9,526,1 ther comprehensive income - - 508,318 - 508,31 sue of shares 20 430,560 - - - 430,56 edemption f shares 20 (81,960) - - - (81,96 ansfer to statuto y reserv s 21 - 8,161,3 1 - (8,161,3 1) ntrance fe s 21 - 17,940 - - 17,94 ansfer to special reserv s 22 - - 1,235,578 (1,235,578) pecial reserv s eleas d retained arn gs 22 - - (784,301) 784,301 eserv for inter st on non-performing loans 22 - - 165,839 (165,839) str butions to members 10 - - - (3,608,173) ( ,608,17 djustment - - - (490) (49 t March 31, 2021 $ 12,357,000 15 , 41,981 9,818,900 1,239,541 173,957,42 he accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statem nts. 8 BADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE C ED T UN ON LIMITED lidate Statement of Changes in Equity e year ended March 31, 2021 omparative figures for 2020 ssed in Barbados ollars) Share St tutory Other Retain d Notes Capital Reserves Reserves Earnings Total rch 31, 2019 $ 11,400 600 134,694 284 902 96 137,5 1 51, 35 4 1 t of IFRS 16 implementation - - - (96,402) (96,402) ted balance s at April 1, 2019 11,400 600 134,694 284 902 96 41,129 151,03 009 r the yea - - - 18,394 6 5 18 394 6 5 comprehensiv incom - - 667,933 - 667,933 of share 20 732,120 - - - 732,120 mption of shares 20 (124,3 0) - - - (124,3 0) er to statu ory reserves 21 - 7,63 941 - (7,63 941) - ce fees 21 - 30,505 - - 30,505 er to sp ci l rese ves 22 - - 1,127 9 (1 27 9) - al rese ves releas d ined e r ings 22 - - (860,30 ) 86 ,30 - ve for int rest on n n-p formi g loans 22 - - 2,855 70 (2 855 70 ) - u ions to memb rs 10 - - - (3,574 8 3) (3 574 8 3) ril 1, 2020 12,008 400 142,362 730 8 693 46 4 100 463 167, 5 059 r the yea - - - 9,526 168 9,526 168 comprehensiv incom - - 508,31 - 508,31 of share 20 430,56 - - - 430,56 mption of shares 20 (81,960) - - - (81,960) er to statu ory reserves 21 - 8,161 311 - (8,161 31 ) - ce fees 21 - 17,940 - - 17,940 er to sp ci l rese ves 22 - - 1,235 578 (1 235 578) - al rese ves releas d ined e r ings 22 - - (784,301) 784,301 - ve for int rest on n n-p formi g loans 22 - - 165,839 (165,839) - u ions to memb rs 10 - - - (3,608 173) (3,608 173) ment - - - (490) (490) rch 31, 2021 $ 12,357 000 1 0,541 981 9 818 900 1 239 541 73,957 422 ccompanying notes form an i gral part of these consolidate financi l s tements. 8 DOS PUBLIC W RKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CR DIT UNION LIM TED ed Statement of Changes in Equity ar nd d March 31, 2021 arative figures for 2020 d in Barbados llars) Share Statutory Other Retained Notes Capit l Reserves Re rves Earnings Total 31, 2019 $ 11,400,6 134,69 28 4,902, 96 137,5 1 1 1, 35,41 FRS 16 i lementation - - - (96,402) (96, 02) balance as t April 1, 2019 11,400 6 134,69 28 4,902, 96 41,129 51,039, 0 he year - - - 18,394 685 8, 94,685 pr h nsive in ome - - 667,933 - 667,933 hares 20 732,120 - - - 732,120 on of shar s 20 (1 4,3 0) - - - (124,3 0) statutory res ves 21 - 7,63 941 - (7,63 941) - ees 21 - 30,505 - - 30,505 special ese v s 22 - - 1,127 9 ( , 7, 9) - s v s r leased earnings 22 - - (860,30 ) 8 0,30 - r interest on n -performing loans 22 - - 2,855 708 (2, 5,708) - ns to members 10 - - - (3,574 8 3) (3, 4,8 3) 2020 12,008 4 0 142,36 730 8,693,466 ,100,463 167,1 5,059 he year - - 9,526 168 9, 6 168 pr h nsive in ome - - 508,31 - 508,31 hares 20 43 ,56 - - - 430,56 on of shar s 20 (81,960) - - - (81,960) o statutory res ves 21 - 8,161 31 - (8,161 31 ) - ees 21 - 17,940 - - 17,940 o special ese v s 22 - - 1,235 578 (1, 35,578) - s v s r leased earnings 22 - - (784,301) 784,301 - or interest on n -performing loans 22 - - 165,839 ( 6 ,839) - ns to members 10 - - - (3,608 173) ( ,60 ,17 t - - - (490) (4 0) 31, 2021 $ 12,357,000 15 ,541 98 ,818,900 1,239,541 173,957,422 mpanying notes form an integr l part of these consolidat financi l st tem nts. 8 OS PU LIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UN ON L MITED Statement of Changes in Equity nd d March 31, 2021 ve figures for 2020 Ba bado doll ) Share tatu ory Other Retained Notes Capit l Reserves R s rves Earnings Total 2019 $ 11,400,600 134,694 284 4,902 9 6 137 531 151,135,4 1 S 16 implemen ation - - - (96,402) (96,402) ance s at April 1, 2019 11,400,600 134,694 284 4,902 9 6 1 1 9 51,039,009 ear - - - 18,394,6 5 18,394 685 hensiv ncom - - 667,933 - 667,933 20 732,1 0 - - - 732,1 0 f shar s 20 (124,320) - - - (124,320) tu ry reserves 21 - 7,637,941 - (7,637,941) - 21 - 30,5 5 - - 30,5 5 cial reserve 22 - - 1,127,129 ( ,127 9) - es r leas d nings 22 - - (860,3 0) 860,30 - t rest on non-p rforming l ans 22 - - 2,855,708 (2,855 708) - o mem er 10 - - - (3,574,873) (3,574 8 3) 20 12,008,400 142,36 730 8,693 4 6 ,100 46 167,165, 59 ear - - - 9,526,168 9,526 168 hensiv ncom - - 508,318 - 508,318 20 430,560 - - - 430,560 f shar s 20 (81,960) - - - (81,960) tu ry reserves 21 - 8,161,311 - (8,161,311) - 21 - 17,940 - - 17,940 cial reserve 22 - - 1,235,578 (1,235 578) - es r leas d nings 22 - - (784,301) 784,301 - t rest on non-p rforming l ans 22 - - 165,839 (165,839) - o mem er 10 - - - (3,608,173) (3,608,173) - - - (490) (490) 2021 $ 12,357,000 15 ,541 981 9,818 900 1,23 541 17 ,9 7,422 nying notes form an integral p rt of these consolidated fi ancial stat ments.