Consolidated Annual Report 2020

93 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2020 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 76 26. Financial Risk Management, continued 26.4 Market risk, continued Interest rate risk A summary of the Group’s interest rate gap position is as follows: 2020 Up to Within Within Over Non-interest 3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years 5 years bearing Total Assets Cash resources $ 281,640,133 9,360,733 9,806,332 - 7,353,716 308,160,914 Financial investments 482,948 - 8,698,388 12,843,187 3,371,656 25,396,179 Loans and advances 39,323,203 55,020,203 283,925,679 933,581,779 - 1,311,850,864 Other assets - - - - 13,182,812 13,182,812 Total assets 321,446,284 64,380,936 302,430,399 946,424,966 23,908,184 1,658,590,769 Liabilities Deposits 717,001,090 215,833,108 558,002,815 36,881,492 158,451 1,527,876,956 Loans payable - - - 1,341,586 - 1,341,586 Reimbursable shares - - - - 13,229,324 13,229,324 Other liabilities 136,589 459,018 1,979,290 195,284 14,094,685 16,864,866 Total liabilities 717,137,679 216,292,126 559,982,105 38,418,362 27,482,460 1,559,312,732 Interest rate gap $ (395,691,395) (151,911,190) (257,551,706) 908,006,604 (3,574,276) 99,278,037