103 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2020 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 86 Details of Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union Limited and Its Subsidiaries 2020 BPWCCUL BPWFHI CAPITA FSI Eliminations Total Assets: Cash resources 11 $ 294,902,050 746,771 25,555,432 (13,043,339) 308,160,914 Financial investments: Amortized cost 12 18,236,072 - 3,785,761 2,690 22,024,523 FVOCI 12 2,965,242 - 406,414 - 3,371,656 Loans and advances 13 1,046,080,071 - 265,770,793 - 1,311,850,864 Property and equipment 14 53,772,132 882,484 7,197,258 - 61,851,874 Pension plan assets 15 1,032,311 - - - 1,032,311 Corporation tax recoverable - - 326,788 - 326,788 Other assets 55,724,434 22,500,000 4,049,140 (64,101,073) 18,172,501 Total Assets $ 1,472,712,312 24,129,255 307,091,586 (77,141,722) 1,726,791,431