Consolidated Annual Report 2019

BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2019 101 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2019 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 86 Details of Consolidated Statement of Income Barbados Public Workers Co-operative Credit Union Limited and Its Subsidiaries 2018 BPWCCUL BPWFHI CAPITA FSI Eliminations Total Non Interest Income Fees and commissions $ 4,316,371 902,304 2,018,905 (1,108,476) 6,129,104 59,219,667 902,461 9,063,547 (1,108,476) 68,077,199 Compensation and benefits 17,844,717 41,803 2,493,002 - 20,379,522 Occupancy and operations 14,992,648 506,788 3,667,083 (973,573) 18,192,946 Professional fees 1,096,681 - 569,524 - 1,666,205 Members security and social benefits 4,676,169 - - - 4,676,169 Promotions and other 4,012,755 - 851,237 - 4,863,992 Net income before taxes and levies 16,596,697 353,870 1,482,701 - 18,298,365 Taxes and levies - - 931,361 - 931,361 Net income after taxes and levies $ 16,596,697 353,870 551,340 (134,903) 17,367,004