Non-Consolidated Annual Report 2018

48 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS’ CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED | NON-CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL REPORT 2018 BARBADOS PUBLIC WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVE CREDIT UNION LIMITED Notes to the Non-consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended March 31, 2018 (Expressed in Barbados dollars) 33 10. Loans and Advances, continued (ii) The movement in the provision for impaired loans is as follows: 2018 Consumer Business Mortgages Total Balance, beginning of year $ 19,908,638 104,189 2,559,735 22,572,562 Amounts charged/write off (4,783,696) (8,842) - (4,792,538) Loan impairment expense 6,001,301 66,012 467,821 6,535,134 Balance, end of year $ 21,126,243 161,359 3,027,556 24,315,158 Individual impairment $ 18,374,477 136,769 2,549,233 21,060,479 Collective impairment 2,751,761 24,595 478,323 3,254,679 $ 21,126,238 161,364 3,027,556 24,315,158 2017 Consumer Business Mortgages Total Balance, beginning of year $ 16,354,985 151,572 3,946,592 20,453,149 Amounts charged/write off (2,443,734) (82,087) - (2,525,821) Loan impairment expense 5,997,387 34,704 (1,386,857) 4,645,234 Balance, end of year $ 19,908,638 104,189 2,559,735 22,572,562 Individual impairment $ 15,464,316 78,508 1,870,241 17,413,065 Collective impairment 4,444,322 25,681 689,494 5,159,497 $ 19,908,638 104,189 2,559,735 22,572,562