2024 Candidate Nomination Package

Candidate Nomination information booklet for Elected Officials - Revised May 2024 | BPWCCUL 6 Election and Balloting Officers of the Board and Supervisory and Credit Committees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society in each year as herein provided . Every election shall be by ballot except where there is no contest . An electronic tabulation process will be used to determine the successful nominees to the elected committees of the Credit Union . Polling Agents Polling agents are appointed by nominees to observe the tabulation of votes on their behalf and therefore, polling agents must be identified to the Chairman of Elections before voting commences at the Annual General Meeting . Consent to Publish Biographical Information of Nominees Nominees should indicate on the Nomination Form whether they consent to the publishing of their biographical information on our website and other BPWCCUL communication channels prior to the Annual General Meeting . If we see no indication of your consent to the release of this information, we will take it that you have decided not to avail yourself of this medium of exposure . Documentation for Nomination Each nominee to the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Credit Committee shall on or before the date and time stated in the enclosed letter from the Secretary, Board of Directors submit: 1) A completed nomination form to the Corporate Governance & Nomination Committee, Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Ltd ., Clarence Greenidge House, Keith Bourne Complex, Belmont Road, St . Michael with the names of not less than four (4) proposing members of the Society along with their correct account numbers . 2) A signed letter of consent confirming his/her willingness to be nominated for the Board of Directors, Supervisory Commitee or Credit Committee . Where a polling agent(s) is/are selected, the name(s) of his/her polling agent(s) should also be submitted at that time . 3) A Nominee Biography Form giving a brief profile of him/herself, along with a passport size photograph . 4) A completed and signed Affidavit of Fitness to Serve, witnessed by a Justice of the Peace with the JP’s official stamp affixed to the document wherever possible . 5) A completed Financial Services Commission Fit and Proper Questionnaire along with a valid (not expired) Police Certificate of Character, picture page of a valid passport and a curriculum vitae . 6) A completed General Information Form (enclosed) accompanied by copies of two (2) valid forms of photo identification and proof of address . These forms must be certified by a Justice of the Peace . 7) A completed BPWCCUL Fit & Proper Questionnaire . Points to Note Where a nominee is elected, he/she must: 1) Meet with other members of the new Board, Supervisory Committee or Credit Committee within forty-eight (48) hours after the close of the Annual General Meeting . 2) Avail him/herself to training opportunities provided through the Credit Union . • Where he/she elects not to submit the nomination form in person, ensure that the nomination form is in order and submitted by a representative and that he/she receives a receipt for submitting the nomination form . • Nominees must be present in person on the day of the Annual General Meeting . However, in the event that you are unable to be present at the AGM, or may arrive after the start of the voting process, you should notify the Group CEO; Chairman or Assistant Chairman of Elections by emailing nominations@bpwccul .bb . • Nominee information and documentation submitted as part of the election process becomes the property of the Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited . The Credit Union is therefore under no obligation to return all or any documents received .